Page 130 of Giving Up

“Tell me who fucking did it then!”

I hate when she pushes me like that. I want to slap her in the face and push her away. She keeps getting in my space, keeps snapping questions at me.

I took Jamie outside and she had forgotten her purse. I put her in the limo and went back in for it.

“God, your brain is so fucking slow,” Rose snaps at me again.

I ignore her this time, close to my goal. I went back to my room, but Camila was there. She tried to seduce me. She was threatening Jamie. And when I got rid of her, I decided to delete the document because I wanted to start fresh with Jamie. Because I realized how much I loved her and I wanted to make sure she was with me because she loved me back, not because of what I was holding above her head. But when I went to my computer that night, the screen was lit up despite not having used it in hours…

“Jake!” My sister rages. “You’re so fucking useless sometimes. Can’t even figure out who did it!”

…and only one person was in my room.

“Camila,” I whisper in disbelief. “But you already knew that. Didn’t you?”

“Had my suspicions,” Ozy admits. “I had to get you to figure it out though. I couldn’t point you in the wrong direction.”

I knew she was jealous, but I never thought she would go that far. I should have, she was already putting notes in Jamie’s locker and shit. Telling her to stay away from me. I shouldn’t be surprised. But why wait until now?

“I’m so fucking done with the cunt,” Rose growls.

“Yeah. Me too,” I say as I grab my phone from my back pocket.

“Don’t.” She puts a hand on my phone. “You go to Luke and sort this shit out. Leave Camila to Chris and me.”

My brows furrow and I turn to my friend, sure that he’ll scold Ozy for insinuating she’s going to hurt Camila but he just nods.

“Sort it out,” he confirms calmly.

I don’t need another word. I run back to my car and call Luke as I drive to his house. His dad needs to drop the charges and he needs to do it now.

We might not be able to be together, but I won’t let her down when I have the means to help her.


“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was three months ago.”

I know exactly who sits on the other side of the screen in the confessional. Pastor Gilligan has been a pillar for me and Mom for years, but he has no idea what we’ve been doing. Admitting the theft to him is not only a need for relief, it’s also a cry for help.

So I let it out. I don’t say Mom’s name, but I know he understands who I’m talking about. I know he understands everything I’m saying. We pray together and he gives me time to stop crying. He gives me more prayers to repeat at home and I just nod even if he can’t see me.

What else is there to do? Mom and Dad would have prayed in my place. Aaron would have turned the town upside down, but I’ve never had his penchant for rebellion. No, I quietly do wrong. I keep an innocent face and break rules and people in silence.

It’s praying that convinces me of the next step I should take. I wish I could say it’s because I found the right path in there. But I never do. No, I always realize how…it doesn’t change anything. I must be rotten so deeply to the core. Respecting the rules, respecting the law, where did that ever take me?


The people who run this town, above and underground are covered in sins. They are corrupted, they are dangerous, lawless, and megalomaniacs.

I’m not going to save my mother with prayers. No, I will save her by being like them. Ruthless and anarchic.

And I know exactly who to call for that. It’s like every time I’m in here, I’m brought back to him. Funny since he’s probably destined for an eternity in hell. I’m surprised he never burned to ashes walking in here.

I grab my phone as I push the doors to exit the Church. My heart somersaults seeing I have a text from Jake, but I don’t even open it. I can’t let myself be weak to him anymore. Today was the harshest lesson of all. Instead, I call another number. He picks up on the first ring.

“I need your help,” I say. And that’s all it takes.

Half an hour later, I’m sitting down at the kitchen island of Nathan’s house. His face is bruised, like he’s been beaten up, but I don’t bother asking what happened. He can keep his secrets to himself. He listened attentively when I told him what happened, but he still hasn’t answered anything.