Page 110 of Giving Up

He frowns darkly at me before throwing more truths my way.

“She’s way too good for you and she’s been through too much. I shared with you what happened to her dad and brother so you’d understand she doesn’t need any more trouble in her life, and instead of doing that, you went and ruined her further. And now, even when you know she’s in danger, you can’t get your dick to stay down? Come on, man, if you really loved her, you would have cut all ties by now.”


That really fucking hurts.

Probably because it’s true.

I love Jamie. I am so in love with her the world stops spinning when she’s not around me. Yet I can’t get myself to let her go when I know I’m putting her life at risk?

I can’t let Jamie love me anymore. I can’t let her come back to me and give her hope by sleeping with her or even talking to her. And I know there’s only one way to get her to stay away and that is if she truly hates me. I love her, and so I have to let her go.

“Let’s get some food,” Ozy’s raspy voice cuts through my thoughts, and Chris and I exchange a look.

I nod, silently telling him he was right. He knows he’s not going to get an apology from me. We need to put our heated discussion aside and jump on the fact that my sister wants to eat. Our life-long battle to get her to feed herself is more important than our argument.

“Lila’s?” Chris asks Rose, perfectly knowing she won’t say no to her favorite Vietnamese restaurant.

“Now we’re talking,” she smiles.

When the front door rings, I grab my wallet and head for the door. But it’s not the food. That’s okay, it’s better than the food.

“Bro, that’s a great surprise,” I smile as I hug Luke hello.

I mess Ella’s hair next to him and she sticks out her tongue at me.

“You’re a child,” I chuckle.

“I am when you treat me like one.”

“Why are you here? Don’t you have a playdate at the sandbox?”

Luke laughs as they both walk in. “Dad came for the weekend. Just him, God knows why. I’ve had enough patronizing and being put down for the evening.”

I grimace at the light tone he uses for such a serious topic. Luke is being Luke, trying to pretend it’s all fine when his dad has probably spent the entire afternoon and evening denigrating him.

“We ordered from Lila’s,” I tell them as we walk back to the kitchen. “Enough for an army so hopefully Ella’s bottomless stomach can be satisfied.”

She playfully punches me in the arm in response. “But did you order enough summer rolls?”

“You’re going to fight with Chris for those.”

When we’re all set in the dining room with our food, Chris leaves and comes back with two bottles of Jack Daniels.

“This is a bad idea,” Ella mutters.

“For you maybe,” he smiles back.

“This is a great idea,” I beam.

“No,” she insists. “You guys get unbearable when you’re in these states. You all clearly had a shit day and you’re going to get annoyingly crazy drunk.”

“Uncontrollable drunk,” I confirm.

“Start a riot drunk,” Luke adds.

“And you’ll be here to take care of us,” Ozy chips in. “You’re the sweetest.”