Page 81 of Giving Up

She lifts her head from her phone and smiles at me. “I don’t really care who you sleep with, Jamie.” She chuckles to herself as she thinks over her next words. “And I’m the last one who would shame you for sleeping around. Jake broke up with you, you should be free to do whatever you want.”

I sigh in relief, but she puts a hand up. “Nate is a shit guy, I don’t think you should get involved with him anymore, but I also don’t think that’s why you feel bad. I think you feel bad because you love Jake, and you didn’t want to hurt him. You did though.”

I nod at her, it’s true. My heart pinches because I love him so much. And if it hurts him to see me with someone else, why doesn’t he do something about it?

“Anyway, I know you saved the best White for last. Let me know when you’re ready to experience real pleasure.” She winks at me and goes back to her phone, not even waiting to see if her words had an effect on me or not. She knows they did. Purely in a seek-for-thrill sort of way.

I wonder what it’s like to sleep with Rose White. I overheard Lila from our team talk with another girl the other day.Sleeping with Rose is like heroin, it only takes one time to get you addicted for life.Maybe she was talking to Ciara actually?

I chuckle to myself, why am I even thinking of that? The Rose White effect.

“Have you slept with Ciara before?” I blurt out. My own eyes widen at my question. It just came out.

She laughs as she looks up again. “Jamie,” she chortles.

Her arm extends to the seat in front of her and I shake my head in panic when I see her tapping on Ciara’s arm. She takes her headphones out and turns around.

“What?” she huffs. I think she’s a bit annoyed that Rose sat next to me.

“Goody wants to know if we slept together.”

Ciara’s brows shoot up and she looks at me. “Why? Are you interested in a threesome?” she mocks me.

My heart gallops in my chest as the ruby of embarrassment colors my cheeks and heats up my chest. “N-no. I-Sorry it was so rude of me to ask.”

“It’s fine, Goody,” Rose laughs. “Ciara loved it.”

“Fuck off,” Ciara mumbles in return. “Biggest mistake of my life.”

“Because she’s in love with me now.” Rose’s evil smirk is so resemblant to Jake’s, it frightens me for a second. They both take pleasure in watching their victims squirm.

“You’re evil, Rose. I feel sorry for Rachel,” Ciara rages as she turns back to face forward. The pain and anger in her voice only confirmed that she probably truly is in love with Rose.

“Your answer is yes,” she tells me, undisturbed by the fact that Ciara is hurt by her words.

She calmly goes back to her phone and I have to shake my head to go back to reality. Rose can be so cruel to the people that don’t matter to her. The Whites are all the same in that sense. They don’t care about anyone or their feelings unless you make it to their list. Then they become controlling, addicted, possessive…and they never let you go.

* * *

Once settled in our room, I’m finally back with Emily.

“I promise you, ‘Me, she just talks about him non-stop, like, it’s so obvious they sleep together.” She opens a can of coke zero and sits on her bed.

“Mr. Corragan isn’t even that young,” I say as I grab my toiletry bag from my small suitcase. “How can Beth sleep with him so often?”

“They’re like, in a proper relationship. I swear if they get caught it’s gonna be so bad. And Mayor Simmons will cancel her engagement to her son and her family is going to be in so much shit.” Her eyes sparkle as she says that. She really hates the girl.

“Try not to sound too excited,” I laugh as I walk into the bathroom.

I let out a sigh when the hot spray hits my skin. As I shower, I look down at my legs. Nathan has left love bites on my inner thigh and my insides clench with need. I don’t want Nathan, but Emily is right, there’s just something in the darkness that attracts me. Like I’m meant to be there, relish in it.

I like being possessed by dark men. I like submitting to them, I like when Jake holds my throat when he fucks me, I like when Nathan orders me to scream his name when he makes me come.

Emily and I go down for dinner in the hotel’s restaurant. This huge hotel holds the tournament this year. All the teams that qualified are hosted and catered for. For Prep schools like Stoneview and St Anne, it’s low budget. For High Schools like North Shore High, it’s luxury. Oh, how the world works.

I settle with my friend at a table with Rose, Luke, Cole, Jason, and some other cheerleaders. The tables are long and spread in rows of multiple tables. Twenty teams in total, ten for women’s lacrosse, ten for men’s, and each school comes with a cheer team. The top three teams will go to Nationals.

I’ve spent nights and days planning team plays, movements on the field, starting line-up, how often we’ll switch our players. Coach and I made a list of all the teams we will win easily, and all the ones we need to be careful of. We changed our starting line-up for each team we’re playing. In conclusion, there are two teams we’re worried about. North Shore High, we beat them last year, but they’ve got a new center that runs like a rocket. And St Anne, our forever nemesis. We lose to them, every single year.