Page 34 of Giving Up

I lift my head back up and look at the bottle of vodka he’s put between his leg and mine.

“I’ve been looking for you,” he says. The lust in his hooded, drunk eyes burns bright.

“Really?” I grab the bottle between us and move so that my thigh is against his.

Our eyes meet as he nods and holy Jesus it’s warm in here. My breath is shallow, and I can feel his on my right cheek.

“So, which one is it?” He asks.

“Huh?” I’m so lost in the two marbles of darkness that are his eyes that I completely forgot what he asked.

“Do you want to drink some more?”

I shake my head no. “I’m done drinking.”

“Great. We can move onto more interesting things then?”

I barely have time to nod before his lips find mine. Xi’s been starving, that’s the only explanation as to why he’s completely eating me out right now. I startle when I feel his hand on the inside of my thigh. It’s high. Very high but it feels so good.

People can probably see us –

Shut up. Just enjoy.

His lips are on my neck, going higher and higher until his mouth is in the shell of my ear.

“Tell me, Jamie. What kind of Stoneview girl are you?” My brows furrow. I don’t get it. “The kind who’s here just to piss off her parents. Or the kind who is truly a bad,badgirl.”

My heart picks up at his last words.


I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter as his lips trail my jaw and back on my mouth. This time, I’m the one who kisses him. Hard and violently. I push my hips toward him, forcing his hand to slide higher until he makes the conscious decision to cup my pussy through my vinyl pants.

He pulls away from my mouth, his hand still cupping me. There’s a fire in his eyes when they lock with mine and the dirty smile pulling at his lips is melting my insides. The pleasure pooling between my legs doesn’t lie. I love his ways. I love his roughness.

“I think I got my answer,” he smiles.

In a split second, he’s up and grabbing my hand, pulling me with him. I notice Billie walking past us with wide eyes as he leads me to the hallway. My smile only doubles. Who cares what the bitch thinks? She can go fuck Jake for all I care. I’m sure they’ve been happy to do so until now.

‘Riot’ by Hollywood Undead plays and the crowd gets rowdy as the music screams ‘Fuck this shit let’s start a riot’. So, this is what happens past 2 am on the North Shore? Some guys start a mosh pit in the living room and Xi’s hand tightens around mine as he pulls us out of the crowd.

We reach the hallway, barely any quieter, and my back slams against the bathroom door. Xi put his forearm above my head and his other hand on the door handle.

“So, are the parties here different than the ones in Stoneview?”

I shrug. “I wouldn’t know. I’m not a big party girl and I only came here to fuck.”

I can’t believe these words actually crossed my lips. They feel so liberating. Looking at the carnal smile on Xi’s lips, he’s happy with my answer.

“I like the music here,” I randomly say. My mind feels free, courtesy of the alcohol, and any thoughts that cross it end up on my lips.

“Yeah? I’m the one who controls the music tonight. I’m glad you like it.”


“Yeah, my house, my rules, my music.”

His lips smash on mine again and I feel his hand twist before I stumble backward into the bathroom.