Page 179 of Giving Up

“You’ll be able to see him later today, I’m sure.”

“Yeah…maybe later.”

“Are you okay? You do want to see him, right?” she chuckles quietly.

It doesn’t matter if I do, even if he does. He knows we can’t be together. And I know too.

“I…I don’t think this is going to end how we want it,” I admit.

“’Me after everything that happened…you guys can’t give up now.”

“I guess. I mean, yeah. I need to think about it. I just…I don’t know. Maybe it’s the meds, I’m feeling weird.”

I can’t really get more into it, Mom comes back into the room in a pure state of shock.

“Mom, are you okay?” I say as I put a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m perfectly fine. Just…”

“Is it the bill?” I whisper.

“It’s the fact that it’s been settled,” she replies.


“Oh yeah,” Em admits. “Chris, Luke, and I took care of it. Split it by three,” she smiles.

My eyes almost pop out of my head. “Em…”

“We can’t accept that,” Mom cuts me off.

“Caroline, I hate to be that kind of Stoneview kid.” Em’s mouth twists before she even speaks her next words. “But it’s spare change for us, truly.”

I shake my head as I put it between my hands. “Em, you can’t say that,” I mumble.

But Mom just laughs. “Spoiled brat,” she chuckles. “Thank you,” she nods more seriously. “We’ll pay back every cent.”

“No need. Oh, and Mom wants to talk to you about an opening at her friend’s shop,” Emily insists.

“Okay, one thing at a time,” Mom says. “Let’s get Jamie home. Why don’t you bring the truck around.” She gives the keys to Em and shoos her.

As soon as Em has passed the door, my mom turns to me.

“Sweetie, I know this might not be the time to talk about this, but I need to be very clear on my next point.”

“Yeah…” I already know what she’s about to tell me.

“Jake White is waiting outside.”

“I know,” I say.

“I don’t want you to see him, Jamie. I don’t want you to be involved with him. And I mean I don’t want you guys to talk or be friends.”

I open my mouth to talk but she cuts me off. “And yes, I know you’re eighteen. But you’re still a child, ‘Me. You’re my child, you’ll always be. And as long as I can, I will steer you toward what I believe is the right choice for you. I have to put my foot down here. As long as you’re here, as long as I’m around, you will not see this boy.”

“Mom, I know what you think-”

“No actually, you don’t. Because you never lost a child, you never almost lost another onetwice. This boy is nothing but trouble. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, Jamie. And I know you, you’re not the kind of girl who throws everything away for a guy.”