Page 80 of Giving Away


‘He’s out his head, I’m out my mind

We got that love, the crazy kind

I am his, and he is mine’

Him & I – G-Eazy, Halsey


As soon as we enter Cal’s mansion, the heat submerges us, making my breath shallow. The music is loud and overwhelming, and I squeeze Jake’s hand tighter. The house is completely packed, and I don’t even know how we’re going to find our friends through all these people.

I reach for my phone in my purse and shoot a text to Emily. I doubt she’s going to see it at this point of the night. It was impossible to stop her from drinking her whole flask at the ball. She’s upset over Luke flirting with Jessika, another cheerleader, and I can’t blame her. These two have been playing a dangerous game. She keeps saying she’s breaking up with him and they’ll be over by the end of the night but if she really wanted to break up, wouldn’t she have done so by now?

As we make our way through a crowd of unknown faces, the heat becomes unbearable in my winter coat.

“Who are all these people?” I ask Jake.

“Cal’s friends. College guys.”

I feel slightly uncomfortable being at an after-party with college people. I heard what happens at these parties and I’m not really into being roofied or peer pressured into drinking. Jake puts an arm around my waist to keep me close as we look for a space in the crowd and we end up in the kitchen. I notice Camila’s brothers, Carlo and Roy, going around laughing with people as they exchange small bags for money in handshakes.

“Are you hot? I’m boiling, let me take your coat,” he says as he starts taking my coat off my shoulders.

I’m glad that my dress wasn’t enough for the ball because here, it’s borderline too much. Jake fits perfectly now that he’s shrugged his suit jacket and bow. His hair looks like he’s just gotten out of bed, as usual, giving him that sexy look that only he can rock. He’s popped open the top buttons of his shirt and taken it out of the suit pants.

I look around and can’t help but notice that he is the sexiest man in this room, probably in this city and it’s clear that he doesn’t even try. Beauty simply runs in his blood. I see girls looking our way and I know it’s not me they’re looking at. He attracts all the female attention and, as I finish scanning the room, my gaze falls on his. He hasn’t looked anywhere else but straight at me.

“I hope you know you’re the most beautiful girl at this party.” I blush at his words but don’t say anything because I know it’s not true.

There are so many girls here tonight, older, hotter. Some haven’t made the effort I have tonight, and they still outshine me by far, but it seems Jake doesn’t see it.

“Are you sure you’re wearing your contacts?”

He laughs and his dimples show on his cheeks, making my insides melt. God, I would die if I couldn’t see these every day.

In the last few weeks, I have seen all sorts of versions of Jake. The hot guy everyone knows from school, the brother who can’t sleep when his twin doesn’t come home, the ruthless lacrosse captain, the geeky coder wearing glasses spending sleepless nights in his boxers building apps and websites. I’ve seen the romantic who brings me dinner to work when I’m closing the café, the sex beast who takes me in his car and empty classrooms, who makes me go to the diner without panties on just so he can play with me in public.

I love every single one of them. I’m addicted to his sweetness and roughness equally and I’m in so deep, I don’t know how much longer I can hold off from telling him how much he means to me.

“Angel, if you really feel like shit being here, we don’t have to stay.”

“I mean, how often do you go to these kinds of pa–”

I’m cut off by a big guy, about twice my size, hurrying toward Jake with a huge smile plastered on his face. “Jake! My man!”

As he hugs Jake tightly, his deep brown eyes land on me. His white and dark green football jersey pops out on his dark skin and it contrasts with Jake’s golden tone. When they part, he turns around for a second to grab a drink and I read the surname on his jersey: Simmons. Jason’s brother.

“How have you been, bro? You’ve disappeared from the party scene man. Jas’ came with your sister and her girl last Friday. I thought I’d see you.”

“Dude, I missed like two parties and you get all clingy?”

The guy whom I think is Cal, laughs and gives him a friendly punch to the shoulder. “What can I say? You were the best I’ve ever had.”

Jake chuckles and puts an arm around my shoulder. “Cal, this is Jamie, my girlfriend. Jamie, this is Cal. He’s like Jason but older and not talented enough to play lacrosse.”

Cal chokes on his drink and nudges Jake. He gives me a hug but pulls away quickly when Jake tightens his arm around my shoulders.