Page 75 of Giving Away


‘Something about you makes me feel alive

The only one that makes the dark turn to light’

superstars – Christian French


Jamie turns around, her green dress swinging and showing more of her legs. I want to grab her right here and now and fuck her against the car, but I guess it’s not okay to do that in front of all our friends as we embark limos to get to the ball. My dick twitches, thinking of making her come in front of everyone. Just to show she’s mine. Just to show I’m the only one who gets to do that.

“I forgot my purse!” As she finishes her spin, I catch her. She’s flushed from the two drinks she shared with me and I find it cute that she’s such a lightweight. When Camila would get drunk, I’d find it annoying. It took my ex a lot and she would be the kind to hit on other guys to make sure I knew she could do better. That was her thing. Then we would argue and she’d cry or throw up or both. Jamie becomes this relaxed, giggly girl that I can’t get enough of.

“I’ll go get it,” I say, holding her hips tight and spinning her back the other way. “Just get in the car.”

She giggles and Emily grabs her hand. “She’s coming with me. Our limo is leaving now. You can have Luke.” She starts walking away, dragging Jamie with her before I can say anything, and I can’t help a growl.

Luke and Emily have been arguing on and off in the past days because my best friend has finally found a girl that won’t take any of his attitude and he’s struggling with it.

I look at the car Jamie just got in and check who’s in it. Chris, Emily, Rachel, and some of Ella’s friends. That’ll do.

“Dude, tonight we’re getting fucked. And I mean I don’t want to remember anything tomorrow,” my best friend exclaims.

I laugh as Luke slaps my shoulder and agree with him. We’re leaving for the break legendary style.

I run back inside to grab Jamie’s purse but it’s nowhere to be found in the living room. I hurry to my bedroom and find the door ajar and the light on. That’s weird, I always close my door.

As I push the door, I see Camila is sitting on my bed, drinking from a bottle of champagne. Her long white dress has a slit on the side and one of her legs is completely uncovered. Her dress is a look-alike to the dress Jamie was wearing at the last ball, but she could buy the most expensive dress in the world, she just doesn’t compare.

Her deep brown hair is displayed around her shoulders and she’s looking up at me, blinking her full lashes in a seducing way but I can’t seem to react to it. My body completely refuses to be excited about anything or anyone other than Jamie. Camila is smoking hot but she’s not for me. She’s the only girl I know that can look classy while desperate. That’s a trick only the truly rich and powerful like her know.

“Fuck, Cam. Get out of here,” I huff.

“How many times did you fuck her on this bed, Jake?” Her words are slurred, and I know that the bottle in her hand must be near empty. “Does she get to sleep over? Cause we both know I never got that chance.”

“This isn’t cute anymore. You’re just making a fool of yourself.”

“She’s got condoms in her purse,” she says as she lifts her hand that’s not holding the bottle. She’s holding Jamie’s golden purse upside down, the contents displayed on the bed. “That purse is the same one she took to the Halloween ball and it was bought on Asos by the way. It’s not even a brand. You’ve stooped down pretty low.”

I can’t help the growl that escapes my mouth. I want to fucking smash her head in for talking shit about Jamie, but I know I have to rear myself back.

She knows me, she knows I’ve got tons and tons of built-up anger in me and she wants me to snap. She wants me to get angry and out of control and then she wants to offer herself as a means for me to grasp back that control. That’s her thing, she knows me really well and that’s the power she always used to have on me; knowing what makes me snap, knowing how to get what she wants out of me. Fuck, she really thinks I’m that fucked up that I wouldn’t realize what’s she’s doing right now.

“Beth is waiting for you outside. You should really go.”

“I think she was planning on fucking you at the ball. Look at that.” She picks up two condoms that have fallen out of Jamie’s purse and my cock wakes up at the thought of fucking Jamie at the hotel where the winter ball is held.

A lot of students book rooms at that hotel for post-ball fun but I doubt Jamie would have done that. I shake the thought away and try to focus back on the bitch that’s now laying down on my bed.

“I miss this bed. Remember when you’d text me at crazy hours because you needed me?” She lays on her side, facing me, and rests her head on her hand. “You needed me to get the anger out. A good spanking, that’s what you’d give me when you made me come here in the middle of the night. I’d sneak out of my house and come to you just so you could spank me and call me a bad girl. Have you done it to her yet? Does Jamie know all your kinks, Jake? Or are you scared she would judge you? Are you scared she’d leave?”

I can feel the heat of anger boiling in my chest. I need to remember she’s just trying to get a reaction out of me. Think of Jamie, think of her golden-green eyes. Think of her soft skin. Of the sound she makes when she giggles.

But she’s right, Jamie doesn’t know any of your kinks.

“I’d never judge you, Jake,” Camila says as she drops the empty bottle to the floor and grabs her dress to open up the slit a little more.

She goes on her front and uncovers her backside completely, revealing black lace panties covered by suspenders that are tightly holding her stockings.