Page 67 of Giving Away


‘So when you hold my hand, do you wanna hold my heart?’

Boys Like You – Anna Clendening


The rest of the week goes at different paces. Classes are too slow because I have to keep my hands off Jake, or I don’t share them with him. Evenings go too quickly, and it seems Jake sleeping at mine every night is not enough time together. I thought giving in would mean I would get satiated from the craving to constantly feel his body, be overwhelmed by his scent, and hear his deep voice, but it seems it’s only making it worse. Nothing is enough. We can’t touch each other enough, we can’t laugh enough, can’t talk enough. We simply can’t get enough of each other.

On Tuesday we waited until everyone had left lacrosse practice so we could hang out before both heading our own ways. Well, at least that was the plan. We ended up having sex in the girls’ locker room. In that same shower Camila and Beth had kicked me in. How ironic.

I lasted four days, refusing him to drive me to school. This morning I let him drive me here and as I’m getting into his car after class, I can hardly ignore the hate stares from some of the girls. One in particular.

“Don’t mind her,” Jake says as he opens the passenger door for me. Who would have thought he could be such a gentleman? Not me. He puts a hand on the small of my back to incite me to get in the car. Once the door is closed, I let out a long breath. I glance at Camila who’s still shooting daggers at me and I look away in a split second. This girl gives me chills. Especially because I’ve been finding notes in my locker telling me to stay away from Jake.

Jake sits next to me and starts the car.

“She scares me,” I say only half-jokingly.

He chuckles as he reverses out of his parking spot. “She can only make assumptions since you won’t let me anywhere near you in public.”

“You’re near me now,” I smile.

“I meant in a boyfriend sort of way,” he growls. Why do I find it so cute?

“Surely you can understand why,” I insist. “I don’t think it’ll only be dark looks and threatening notes if she and her friends learn we’re actually together.”

His hand on my thigh reassures me as he squeezes.

“I hate to say it…but she knows I cheated on her with you. It can’t get much worse than that.”

I almost choke on air at his statement. “Jake!” I scoff. “Don’t…That’s not what happened. I never wanted you to cheat on her!”

“I definitely did,” he chuckles. “You’re coming to mine tonight by the way.”

I roll my eyes because he’s been trying this every night of the week and every night he’s ended up at my house. I give him a knowing look and he huffs.

“It’s Friday, aren’t you gonna go to some party somewhere?” I know he missed a lot of get-togethers with his friends this week, and not only his close ones. He missed one of the many lacrosse pre-season parties on Wednesday to stay home with me.

“No. It’s the last night the Murrays are here, I can’t sleep at yours. Please come,” he insists.

“I’d rather stay at my house, Jake. We have all weekend to hang out. It’s fine.”

He pouts and I can’t help a giggle. “Stop it,” I say as I slap his arm.

My phone beeps in my bag and he looks at me, eyes filled with questions. “It’s been going off all day, Angel. You gotta tell me if it’s him.”

I only nod because it’s not something I want to talk about.

“Let me talk to him,” he grits.

“Absolutely not. If I’m not answering, neither are you. He’ll get the message eventually.”

His only response is a low growl and I shake my head at him. Caveman.

After dropping me off, Jake leaves me promising to spend the day with me tomorrow.

It’s strange having gone from a hate relationship to being so openly adoring each other, yet somehow it feels the most natural I’ve ever felt in years. This game of cat and mouse we’ve been playing for months got us attached to the other. As if we already needed to be part of each other’s lives but couldn’t find the right way to do so. It’s like our bodies and minds were meant to fit perfectly together.