Page 49 of Giving Away


‘You got a fetish for my love’

Fetish – Selena Gomez


What the hell is this noise? My heart picks up at the surprise of the drill in my ears. I sit up in a sudden movement, my eyes slowly adapting to the light in my room. I forgot to draw the curtains last night. My face feels sticky and my eyes swollen, I cried myself to sleep last night. The sound comes again and I finally realize it’s the doorbell. It’s not a nice ‘ding-dong’ or some classical music like other Stoneview houses. It’s a horrible ‘brrring’ that makes me want to hit my head against the wall. I push the covers away and hurry to the door. I hate that we don’t have a peephole, especially now that I know it could be Nathan knocking with yet someone else’s blood on him.

I open the door slightly, hiding my half-naked body behind it and only popping my head out.

That’s pretty much the last person I expected to see here. He must see the surprise on my face because he feels the need to explain himself.

“English homework,” he simply says.

Jake is wearing a pair of black sweatpants and the same black sweater as the last time he was here. How hot can someone get wearing such simple clothes? Really damn hot according to the God in front of my eyes.

“You’re drooling, Angel,” he smiles.

I have to scratch my throat before talking again. “I-I forgot. I completely forgot, but if you give me this morning, I’ll bring it to you this afternoon.”

He puts a strong hand on the door and pushes, walking in at the same time.

“You can’t come in,” I panic, taking a step back as the door opens. I’m in just a crop top and panties. It’s just how I fell asleep. What is it with the Whites and inviting themselves in?

“We can work on it to–” he pauses as soon as he notices my state of undress. His eyes drag from my face to my panties and a gorgeous smile spreads on his cheeks, “–gether.”

I cross my legs, putting my hands in front of my intimate area, only covered by a little bit of cotton. “What?” My brain didn’t process what he just said, I was too focused on his gorgeous dimples.

“We can work on it together, Angel. What are you trying to hide exactly? Nothing I haven’t seen there.”

“I don’t want you here, Jake,” I defend. “I know what you’ve been doing, going around telling everyone about ‘taking my virginity’ like we’re in some 18th Century novel. That’s low, even from you.”

“I didn’t want to be here, Jamie,” he hits back. “You’re the one who hasn’t done your part of the deal so let’s just get this over with.”

I take a deep breath, trying my best to be the bigger person. At the end of the day, better his company than Nathan’s. Or better than being completely alone. I can’t stand the one on one sessions with my thoughts at the moment.

“I’ll be back,” I huff as I disappear down the hall.

“I’m happy for you to stay like that,” I hear him shout and I can’t help the tiny smile tugging at my lips.

No. This is homework, Jamie.

I speed-brush my teeth, put on some leggings and grab my backpack. I look at the bottle of perfume on my desk and can’t help myself; I spray a little on my neck. It’s a cheap lavender and citrus body spray my mom always gets me, it’s not much, but it’s what I wear.

When I walk back into the living room, Jake has made himself comfortable on the sofa.

“I didn’t bring anything with me,” he says. “I was just gonna pick up your half.”

I take a moment to reply. It’s weird having him here, acting almost normal when the last time we spoke he did his best to make me cry and I did my best to make him hurt.

I don’t know how to act around him, I’m mad at him for what he did. Virginity is a concept I was never really big on. To me every sexual experience should be special, no matter if you’ve done it before or not. Should I really have expected anything different from Jake though? He openly spoke about doing anal with Camila in front of all his friends and me. Their whole group talks about sex and their conquests like a little game they have between them. After all, Rose openly taunts Beth about sleeping with her boyfriend. Luke and Rose talk about their first time together like it was just a little bit of fun in their friendship. Only Chris stays quiet and humble about it. I don’t get it, it’s just not my world, and I wish Jake had kept our intimate moment to ourselves, but I can’t say I’m surprised.

“Uh…it’s alright. Do you…do you want a drink or something?” I have to scratch my throat again. How can he pretend like nothing happened?

“Any soda you have, please. I’m curing a mean hangover.”

It stings slightly to think that he was partying last night, without me. I’m not big on parties, but if he was still chasing after me, he would have invited me. He would probably have ordered me to come. It’s wrong…but I miss that. And if I had been with Jake, I wouldn’t have been with Nathan, he wouldn’t have burned my one and only source of hope to look after Aaron. My heart sinks in my stomach at the thought.