Page 38 of Giving Away

“Em, I-”

“Stay the fuck away from me,” she spits as she takes steps back. “I’m serious, Jamie. Don’t talk to me. Ever again.”

“Emily…” I insist, but she’s gone, disappeared in the wave of students exiting the building.


I leave school fuming and hating myself. Outside, the rain hits hard and feels like needles against my cheeks.

I spot Emily by her car and I hurry to her. She’s about to close her door but I hold it with a hand.

“Em, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean that. It was out of anger. I don’t know why I said it.”

“Leave me the fuck alone. Did you not register what I said? Don’t talk to me. Not today, not ever. Go back to the shed you call a house, Goody.”

My heart shatters into a million pieces. Never has she called me that stupid nickname before. Never has she made fun of my financial situation.

I hear laughter behind her and realize Camila and Jake are sitting at the back while Luke is next to her. Only Camila is laughing at me but it’s enough to force me to let go of the door.

Emily doesn’t look back at me when she pulls out of her parking spot.

I let out a raging grunt that quickly turns into full-on sobs while the rain mixes with my tears.

The parking lot is practically empty but even if it wasn’t, I don’t give a shit anymore.

When I get home, the lonely house hits me hard. I check my phone. No text from Emily. I guess she is officially done with me.

I try to call my mom and sigh as I reach the voicemail for the second time today. I feel so lonely, and that feeling that I brought it on myself is exhausting.

I shower and open a book in bed. Before I realize it, it’s 9 pm so I check my phone again. Nothing. I feel so empty, so miserable. No friends, no boyfriend, no family.

I don’t really control my body when my hands grab my phone and go to Nathan’s conversation. I cringe at what I’m doing and yet I still type my thoughts.

Jamie: You hurt me.

I don’t know why I’m opening myself up to him that way. Especially now that I know what he’s really like. I also can’t help my mind going back to all the times he was sweet to me.

It takes less than a minute for my phone to ring and his name to show up on my screen. My heart galloping in my chest, I don’t know what to do. I hover a shaking thumb over the screen, take a deep breath, and swipe.

But I don’t say anything.

“‘Me…” I recognize his voice, but I can’t help thinking it’s a few shades darker now that I know who he is. The background is noisy, some bass music and voices.

I can’t get myself to talk.

Think, Jamie. Use your brain rather than your heart or pussy for once. None of the White brothers are right for you.

“‘Me, talk to me. Please.”

Tears build up in my eyes and I sniffle to try and keep everything at bay.

“Please, please don’t cry. Not for me. I fucked up, ‘Me, I really did.”

Some voices get clearer in the background and I recognize Samuel’s British accent.

“I have to go,” he sighs. “Just say something…”

“You’re a liar,” I rasp. “I hate you.”