Page 16 of Giving Away

“Don’t be like that. We’ll fix this.”

“We’re over! There’s nothing to fix! You’re the one who needs to be fixed!”

I try to snatch my arm out of his grip, but he doesn’t let go. I’m about to shout at him to leave my house when I see Rose looking behind me with wide eyes.

“Jamie, move!” she orders as she jumps off the back of the sofa to come help but it’s too late.

I feel cold metal wrap around my wrist, the one Nathan isn’t holding, and I snap around as Samuel locks a cuff around my wrist.

“What the hell,” I shout. “What are you doing?!”

Samuel lets go of the cuff and the other half hangs from my wrist. I try to get away from Nathan’s tight hold but he’s not letting go.

“I promise you I’m not going to hurt you. It’s just a precaution while we’re out of the house.”

“Let me go!” I shout in panic. I twist and turn, but there’s nothing to do.

Nathan pulls me toward the kitchen, and I watch in fear as Samuel easily grabs and lifts Rose from where she’s standing.

“Fuck you,” she rages. “I swear to God, you cuff me here, I’ll end your fucking life.”

“Careful, she means it,” Nathan laughs. How is this a funny situation to him?

Samuel doesn’t reply to her even if he is clearly affected by her words. He easily carries her to the kitchen as Nathan pushes me to the floor, forcing me to sit down on the cold tiles.

I’m shocked speechless. There’s clearly no point shouting at him. He’s looking at the scene amused and slips the other cuff through the bar handle of the oven, forcing my left arm up as he pulls the other cuff.

“Stop. Sam, stop. I swear…” Rose’s hoarse voice breaks as he puts her down and grabs her right arm. “You put my wrist in this fucking cuff you’re dead to me,” she says as he drags her by the arm across the kitchen. She grounds her heels to the floor but keeps slipping anyway.

Rose is a tall girl, yet she’s so skinny and frail when I compare her to Samuel. She keeps fighting and it barely changes anything for him. He easily manages to lock her right wrist in the other cuff, but she doesn’t sit down. Nathan takes a few steps back to admire the work.

We’re now both locked in the cuffs and to the oven. Nothing to do, nowhere to go.

Rose is annihilating Samuel with her stare and I’m surprised he doesn’t burn on the spot. He walks to her until their toes are practically touching and leans so his mouth is to her ear.

“Don’t look at me like that, it breaks my heart.”

He said this low enough for Nathan not to hear but I’m close enough and my mouth goes slack. He sounds like he means it.

“Fuck you,” she growls. She goes to hit him, but he takes a step back and she’s held back by the cuffs. Ultimately my arm gets pulled harshly.

“Rose,” I wince. She comes back closer and the pull eases on my arm.

Nathan comes up behind Samuel and looks at both Rose and me. She’s still standing, refusing defeat, while I’m on the floor, too scared to do anything.

Nathan lowers to my level and grabs my jaw with one hand.

“Don’t make this face please.”

I don’t reply. I’m too shocked and disappointed to even begin a conversation with him again. He chuckles to himself and probably sees the questioning look on my face.

“I can’t believe you were worried that I was working for Sam. That new gang in town…I’m the fucking boss of it, beautiful.”

My stomach twists with betrayal. I push his hand away with my free one. “Don’t touch me,” I spit at him.

He ignores my words and straightens back up before turning to Rose. “We won’t be long. Be good.” He gives her a patronizing slap on the cheek as a goodbye and I can almost feel it. Too light to hurt, hard enough to make her flinch in fear. She stays quiet but her eyes and clenched jaw say it all.

As soon as the door shuts, her back hits the kitchen counter and she slides to the floor to my left. She runs a hand through her hair and turns to me, anger rolling off of her.