Page 78 of Giving Away

“Only in Stoneview do you hear seniors complaining they can’t score ecstasy for their winter ball. This is rich people problems, Rose,” Chris scolds her, cutting my thoughts short.

“You are rich people Chris, my friend,” she replies. “And thanks to your angelic parents, so am I. That’s the kind of problem I’m happy to have.”

“It’s not your only problem though, is it? They won’t sell to you because Sam told them not to, and having Sam’s attention is a real problem,” he bites back and, sadly, he’s right.

She doesn’t say anything for a few long seconds. I love when Chris deals with her because he always knows how to outsmart her, and she rarely finds a way out of it.

Chris gives Luke his phone back. “If you want to score with Luke’s phone, fine. But I don’t want to hear you complain about Sam making your life hard after that, especially when you should be focusing on people like Rachel.”

“Oooh…” Luke and I release at the same time. He hit home.

Ozy opens her mouth to say something but closes it straight away. “Whatever, let’s get drunk,” she snatches the flask from my hands and drinks a few sips at a time.

“Alright soldier,” I grab the flask back and put my arm around her shoulders before messing up her hair. “One sip at a time, shall we?”

As I start walking with her in my hold, I spot Jamie and Emily coming back to the ballroom. I let go of my sister to give a kiss to Jamie as soon as she reaches me.

“You’re so beautiful,” I whisper.

“I took drugs,” she replies straight away. I practically choke on air as Emily explodes laughing.

“You smoked three puffs of a joint, Jamie, chill out,” Emily manages to squeak past her throat. Jamie follows her friend in an uncontrollable laugh.

I can’t help but smile at her reaction, who wouldn’t? She’s so fucking cute.

“She’s too good for you,” Ozy throws my way before going hers.

She really is.

“You’re the cutest,” I say as I cup both her cheeks before giving her another kiss.


I open the taxi door for Jamie and help her in before following. After giving Cal’s address to the driver, I turn back to the beautiful girl next to me and grab her hand.

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m feeling fine, Jake. I can’t even feel it anymore.”

I don’t know why I started worrying about her smoking weed. She seemed fine during the whole ball, but I know she barely ever drinks, let alone smoke. I know I’m in no place to judge seeing what Luke, Ozy, and I usually take on nights out, but Jamie is different. I don’t want anything to happen to her.

“Why did you want to take a taxi? Everyone’s left in the limo.” She slides closer to her side of the car just to lay down, her head on my lap. My heart is beating hard against my ribs and I have to take a deep breath before I raise a shaky hand to stroke her hair. I’ve never felt anxious around a girl and fuck do I feel anxious around her.

“Because I wanted to tell you something,” I almost whisper. She sits back up at my words and I can read the fear on her face.

Does she think I’m going to break up?

“Is everything okay?” she panics.

“Yeah, no, everything’s fine. I just thought you’d want to know that I…” Why can’t I get myself to say it? Am I that scared she’s gonna realize she’s way too good for me?

“Want to know what? You’re freaking me out.” She lets out a chuckle, but I can see she’s getting scared. She shouldn’t be, I’m the one who’s terrified.

“I know it’s not a big deal, but I wanted to let you know I’ve deleted everything about, you know, your mom and you…regarding the Bakers.”

Her brows narrow in confusion, but I know she knows what I’m talking about.

“Why would you do this,” she whispers.