Page 46 of Giving Away

Fuck Jamie Williams, fuck her and any cunty boyfriend she ever gets. I bet she’s gonna find Prince Charming like she had always dreamt of. I bet he fucks her all vanilla, missionary, once a week and no foreplay. Slow and gentle exactly how she hates it. Good, she’ll never know how much pleasure I could have given her, all the dark places I could have taken her, how I would have made her scream in pleasure.

I go for another sip just to realize I finished the bottle. Ugh, fuck this shit. Looking around the living room is a slightly more difficult task than it was an hour ago. Things are a little blurrier and the walls are not exactly staying still. Thinking of fucking Jamie made me rock hard and I’m now a drunk, horny bastard. Good, exactly what everyone expects of me. Just the lacrosse captain, Stoneview Prep jock I should be acting like.

A small blond makes her way to me and it takes me a few seconds to recognize Ella’s friend.

“Ania,” I smile as she reaches me. “Did you find your friend?”

“I don’t think she wanted to be found. But I found you.”


“Again,” she repeats in a breathy voice. “You didn’t keep any for me?” she pouts, pointing at the empty bottle in my hand.

“You’re not going to need any for what we’re about to do, trust me.” I offer her my ‘I’m about to fuck you good’ smile and I can see her breath catching in her throat. Her cheeks blush and her eyes dart to the floor as she pushes a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Should we find somewhere quieter?” I offer her my hand and she takes it without hesitation.

“Yeah,” she whispers.

“I can’t believe this is actually happening,” Ania says as I lead her up the stairs. My drunk ass misses a step or two and I realize she’s the one who has to hold me up more than anything else.

I push open one of the many doors on the first floor, surprising Ewan McKee from the lacrosse team, and Jessika Drew from the cheer team.

“Out,” I drunkenly mumble.

Ewan jumps from the bed, where he was on top of Jessika. They’re still dressed, and I can’t help myself when I talk to my teammate. “You gotta take your clothes off if you want to lose that virginity, bro,” I chuckle.

“Fuck off,” Ewan complains as he helps Jessika off the bed before walking to the door.

“Feel free to stay, Jess,” I throw at her. She stills by the door and I feel Ania’s hand squeeze mine.

“Are you sure?” she whispers to me.

“Whatever,” I shrug as I let myself fall on the bed, forcing Ania to let go of my hand.

I hear Ewan whispering insults at Jessika and realize my eyes have closed. I open them to find both girls staring at me from the side of the bed.

“Are you gonna stare all night or are you gonna start sucking my cock?”

Jess is the first one on the bed, her tight dress is restricting her movements and that’s the only thing that brings my cock to life right now, knowing that she’s not in full control. I am.

She’s on me in a split second, unbuckling my belt while Ania is looking at me with wide eyes. Jess is used to sucking my dick and asking nothing in return, she’s used to doing it on her own or with company. Ania isn’t. I don’t know what she expected out of tonight, but I sincerely hope she wasn’t hoping for a good guy to take her virginity.

I let my head fall back on the pillow and it makes me feel dizzy as fuck. I drank way too much. I can’t remember the last time I was in such a shit state.

Jamie played me, but at least she tried to fix things. She wanted to get to know me, she wanted us to open up to each other. And I pushed her away. I put up the steady walls that hold everyone at bay. Because what if I tell her what I’ve done, and she finally understands I’m not deserving of happiness, of her? Letting her in, it would just be opening myself for pain again. I thought everything I did to her gave me away, showed her my true identity. But I don’t think she quite grasps how bad it is.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want, Ania,” I reassure her.

Fuck, I feel like such an asshole when I see the glint of jealousy in her eyes as Jess lowers her head. I never used to feel this way, never questioned if what I was doing was wrong or right. That’s Jamie’s work right there. Making me feel shit and all.

My thoughts disappear for a millisecond as Jess’ mouth wraps around the tip of my dick, but they’re quickly brought back to Jamie. If I don’t think of her, I’m not going to be able to stay hard. I need to stay hard because I need to come. I need to release some tension.

I look up to see Ania finally deciding to join the fun. She puts her solo cup on the bedside table before crawling onto the bed. Her eyes widen slightly when Jess takes me all the way to the back of her throat, gags, and lets my dick out in a loud pop.

Jess moves to my right to let Ania settle on my left and grabs my dick in her hand again.

“Ania, right?” Jess asks for confirmation.