Page 14 of Giving Away

“Mate, too far,” he calmly says in his crisp British accent. He puts a hand on his shoulder and that’s about enough for Nathan to take a step back.

“It’ll be too far when she’s got a fucking bullet in her head.” Nathan is seething. His cheeks are red, his eyes are burning with hate. I never thought he could get this angry. I should have, because he beat one of Volkov’s guys to a pulp for touching me.

If Rose really is his sister, what kind of brother would do this? Then again, what kind of sister would shoot her own brother?

“You don’t want to do this,” Samuel insists.

Nathan’s phone rings in the back pocket of his jeans and he grabs it annoyed. “Saved by the fucking bell, aren’t you?” he smiles down at Rose. He goes to the hallway to pick up and Samuel helps Rose back up.

“Are you okay?” he asks her. He’s holding her arm as he pulls her back on her feet, but she pulls it back straight away.

“Are you for fucking real right now?” she chuckles sarcastically, holding her side. “Nate is alive. You knew. You fucking knew and you didn’t tell me. You threatened me to go to the cops for killing someone that wasn’t even dead, you fucking piece of shit. You two deserve each other.”

“Rose, you have to try and understand–”

“I forgave a lot of things from you, Sam. But this…this I will never forgive.” She turns to me as if his betrayal was nothing to her. “Come on, Jamie. We need to leave.”

“You can’t leave,” Samuel warns. “I told him I was with you when he asked me to come. I said I’d drop you home before, he specifically said not to.” He settles against the arm of the sofa and crosses his arm. Calmness emanates from him like this whole situation is nothing unusual to him. “You can’t leave, Rose,” he repeats.

This is anything but normal to me and I don’t understand how Sam’s keeping a clear head.

Probably because he runs a gang. Yes, that must be it.

“Watch me,” Rose growls.

“He’s going to hunt you and Jake down. He wants you guys back in, you know he does. He’s not going to let this go. You don’t want to go against him.” This seems so logical to him. Even to Rose. She knows exactly what he’s talking about and I’m dying to understand, even if I know it’s something I should probably stay out of.

“I don’t care. Stop me if you’re so strong,” she quips. “Jamie, let’s go.”

“But…it’s my house. I can’t leave.” I can’t but at the same time, I want to. I just want to be away from all of this and be able to process it all.

“I know it’s your fucking house, let’s go. For now.” She rolls her eyes as if I’m the most stupid person in this room and heads for the door. And me, well, I follow after her. What else?

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Nathan’s voice raises from behind us.

“Home,” she replies but stops moving. I can see her hand trembling on the doorknob.

“Go on, Ozy. Leave and see what happens.”

She hesitates for a few more seconds. Just when I think she’s going to open the door, she lets go and turns around wincing ‘fuck’.

“That’s what I thought,” he smirks.

I have no idea who I’m facing right now. This guy is nothing like the Nathan I know. He ignores Rose as she goes back to the sofa and sits back down, running her hands over her face and through her long black hair.

“I don’t know what fucked up plan you got in mind, Nate,” she sighs. “But it won’t work.”

“Really? And why’s that?” he asks casually.

“Because you’re a megalomaniac,” she deadpans.

He stands right behind the sofa and looks down at her from behind. “At least I’m not a murderer. Hey, I like your new glasses. Do you like mine?”

“Don’t talk to me like this is a family reunion,” she huffs.

He shrugs and turns to Samuel while I stay planted by the door still trying to get my head around what I’m witnessing.

“Is Carlo waiting for you?” he asks Samuel.