Page 131 of Giving Away

It takes less than a minute for Nathan’s phone to ring. He chuckles to himself and mumbles a ‘too easy’ before picking up and putting it on speaker.

“Hi Ozy,” he smiles.

“Where are you, you fucking psychopath?”

“At yours. Staining the Murrays’ expensive carpet. Roy will pick you up. Come alone.”

Jake makes a few moans and I think he means to tell her not to come but he doesn’t make much sense.

“I hate you.” The line goes dead, and Nathan puts the phone away, a satisfied grin glued to his face.

We hear the tires screeching in the driveway and the front door slamming before we see Rose storming in the living room. She’s out of breath and her eyes widen when she sees me on the chair and Nathan standing right behind me.

“Better late than never, Ozy.”

He’s spent the last ten minutes right there, listing me the mistakes I’ve made by choosing Jake, describing what he’ll do to him if I keep seeing him. I stopped disputing his words when I couldn’t take the pull on my scalp every time I disagreed. I’ve just been listening, trying to block out his words but it’s impossible. Every single threat is defined too clearly for me to shut it down. When he recalled everything we’ve done, everything he wants to do to me again, I struggled to keep my calm. I’ve just been staring at the floor. I can’t look at Jake anymore, but I try to listen to his unsteady breathing, praying he’ll make it until we can call an ambulance.

Roy bursts into the room a minute after Rose with a bloody lip.

I hear Nathan laughing. “What the fuck, Roy.”

“I tried to get her in my car, she’s got a good punch.”

Rose ignores their conversation, her eyes look for her twin in the room. As soon as she finds him lying between the coffee table and the sofa, she runs to him.

“Jake,” she shakes him slightly but he only groans in return. “Jake, talk to me,” she panics.

His words are too slurred for any of us to make out what he’s saying. She gets back up, walking to me and Nathan. I can feel him shift behind me and I jump in fear when I feel both his hands on my shoulders.

“You’ve officially lost it, you know that, right?” she growls at him.

Her voice is raspier than usual, and her words sound like they’re being forced out of her throat. She’s not shaking though. Her whole body looks perfectly fine apart from her ticking jaw. Her hair is wild, and she smells of weed and sex mixed with her usual flowery perfume. There’s no wondering what she was up to at Camila’s before she came, because for once, she wasn’t with Sam.

“What are you gonna do?” Nathan asks, mocking her. “Call the cops? So you can pay Bianco another visit?”

I don’t miss the tremble that crosses Rose’s body at the mention of Bianco.

“I think someone should call an ambulance for Jake,” Nathan jests. My eyes automatically dart to Jake’s unmoving form on the floor and the fear gripping my gut is lethal.

“Yeah, what a great fucking idea. Are you gonna let me?” she snarls as she takes her phone out, probably already knowing he won’t let her.

Before she can even unlock it, Roy grabs her wrist and wrestles her phone out of her hand. It lasts a second before he manages to violently snatch it from her. Sam is on them in a few sleek steps, he grabs Roy by the back of his neck and pushes him away quietly.

“I’ll take it from here,” he says calmly, making sure Roy isn’t anywhere near touching Rose anymore.

“I’ll be the one calling,” Nathan drawls. “As soon as you sign the change of guardianship.”

Rose scoffs but her eyes darken as rage overtakes her. “How could I miss?” she sneers. “I wanted you dead so badly, how could I miss your fucking heart?”

It’s like a cold shower, being reminded that Rose shot Nathan in an attempt to kill him. It’s hard to think she would be capable of pulling the trigger on her own brother. When I think of who Nathan really is, I shouldn’t be surprised.

Nathan walks in front of me and I can see her flinch in the slightest but she’s a master at controlling her body’s reactions.

“You wanna know why you missed, Ozy?” he asks as he plants himself in front of her. “Because there was no heart to shoot,” he continues without waiting for her reply.

“I’m not signing, Nate,” she insists but her voice is growing quieter.

“Jake needs help,” he insists.