Page 121 of Giving Away

“Why do you still talk to them,” Jake snarls.

“Does your brain really not process danger at all?” Chris adds straight away.

I kind of feel bad for her. She was just trying to keep them in the loop, and it’s being thrown back in her face. I can see why she sometimes withholds information.

“Man, I should have just kept this to myself,” she mumbles. She snatches her phone back, runs a hand through her hair, and slumps back down on the sofa.

“Are they going to be ok?” I ask to take the topic away from Rose’s lack of understanding danger.

She looks at me surprised but a small smirk appears on her face.

“Who fucking cares. We don’t want to be involved with anything related to Nate anymore,” Jake cuts off. He drops the controller completely and points at her in a warning. “Fuck, if I catch you buying from them, Ozy…” he threatens.

I nudge him in the ribs. He still has bruises from the fight with Nathan but he barely winces.

“Jake,” I whisper in shock.

I hate it when he talks to her like that. We’re all the same age, we’re all equally responsible for ourselves and each other and it’s not like she’s stupid.

Rose rolls her eyes but doesn’t retort anything. I notice her pulling at the sleeves of her sweater before typing on her phone again. I feel like I haven’t seen her tattoos in ages. Maybe she hides them when the Murrays are around.

“Hey, should we have a dip in the pool? It’s heated right?” I insist on changing the topic.

“It’s snowing,” Jake chuckles.

“So what,” I shrug, a smile tugging at my lips. “You said it was heated. You rich people don’t know how to enjoy what you have.”

My statement earns me a laugh from Chris and an agreement from Jake as he puts a hand on my shoulder and squeezes softly, almost massaging me.

“Let’s do this,” Chris exclaims.

Rose gets up from the sofa and heads straight for the door, ignoring our excitement.

“Are you not coming?” Jake questions, surprised.

She turns back to us, her eyebrows drawn together. “It’s a pretty fucking stupid idea. I’ll not be catching pneumonia in my room if you don’t mind.”

“What’s pretty fucking stupid is you pretending you’re fine when you’re obviously not,” he retorts. “Spend time with us instead of being a moody bitch.”

He tries to get a reaction out of her but she’s already on her way out of the door and the only thing we hear from the hall is a loud ‘Fuck you, Jake’.

He lets out a frustrated groan and turns to Chris. “Tell me she talks to you about it.” His voice is desperate.

Chris only shakes his head ‘no’ and I can sense both their frustrations. “She’s been so hot and cold since D.C.”

“I know,” Jake concludes, his annoyance and anger palpable.

He still hasn’t spoken to me about anything that happened in D.C. I tried mentioning it, but Jake being Jake refused to share anything that has to do with Mateo Bianco. I’m assuming for him it was a moment of weakness, he was out of control and he struggles too much with those to share them with me. We’ll get there, I’m sure, but those things take time.

Out of all the questions I had running through my mind in the last week, the only thing we’ve talked about is the fact that we had sex without a condom. It was an argument since I learned that he hadn’t been careful with many girls. Not only did I have to worry about catching something and he had to get tested but it also was a harsh reminder of the stupid number of girls he’d been with before me. All while he was with Camila.

It’s hard to trust him when I’m reminded of him cheating on her over and over again. The only thing that comes as a slight reassurance is that the whole of Stoneview Prep was aware of him cheating, and I know the harpies at school would take great pleasure in telling me if he was doing this to me. He also came back all clean, which was a good thing, I guess.

“I’ll talk to her,” Chris sighs.

He heads out and it takes a minute of Jake running his hand through his hair and muttering how annoyed he is before we follow. When we walk past Chris’ room, we see him stroking Rose’s head as he talks to her. Her head is buried in the pillows, but I know for sure she’s not crying because this bitch never cries.
