Page 116 of Giving Away

I wake up to the sound of the front door slamming. Someone is angry and since I can still feel Jake’s arm around my waist, it can only be Rose. I hear her footsteps in the hall and her husky voice easily infiltrates our room. Apparently, she ‘can’t fucking believe he actually did it’ and for a few seconds, there’s no response until Chris’ voice asks her to calm down and not do anything irrational.

The walls in this house are very thin and I’m glad none of them were here yesterday. What an embarrassment that would have been. I shiver with pleasure at the reminder of what happened last night, and I can already feel wetness coating between my legs. I slide my hand lower but before I can reach my clit, Jake’s hand clamps over mine.

“Are you out of your mind?” His sleepy voice enhances my desire for him, but I don’t say anything. “Don’t touch my pussy,” he says before I feel him shift and his hand replaces mine.

There’s a wonderful ache inside me from yesterday and when he starts stroking me it turns into full-blown ecstasy. He rubs two skilled fingers against my clit and goes lower to spread my wetness around as he puts his mouth on my shoulder, giving me light kisses.

I inhale a sharp breath and I feel his lips shape into a smile. Moans are forming in my throat when a knock on Jake’s door makes us both jump.

“Wake up, Don Juan. We have a problem.” Rose’s hoarse voice behind the door forces me to put some space between myself and Jake.

“Someone’s in a shit mood,” he growls as he pushes the comforter off him.

There are things I wish I could have talked to Jake about this morning. Just the two of us in bed, calm and rested. Like, if I was safe from STDs after we didn’t use protection for the first time. If last night was like he imagined. Maybe mention his night in custody, his brief trip to D.C.

I guess it doesn’t work like that when your twin sister has the door across from yours and doesn’t care about boundaries. Not that I would mention that it annoys me how comfortable Rose is to put herself between us during our most intimate moments. He’s too close to her, too protective for me to mention anything without it turning into an argument.

He puts sweatpants on over his morning wood and runs a hand through his hair before hurrying to the bathroom. I follow to brush my teeth and head back to the room before him. By the time he comes back, I’m dressed in yesterday’s clothes and brushing my hair.

“What are you doing?” he asks surprised.

I put my hairbrush back in my bag and grab my lip balm. “I’m heading home? I thought you might want to deal with whatever you have to deal with with Rose? Just the two of you.”

“Oh really,” he marvels. “I think if you leave you are going to have to deal with a lot worse than a little spanking, Angel.”

A shiver of pleasure runs through me. Pleasure? I never thought hearing about being spanked could make me feel pleasure.

“Let’s see what she wants,” he concludes before dropping a kiss on my forehead.

I follow him out and when we enter the living room. Rose is sitting on the kitchen bar, her long legs dangling in front of her. She’s rolling a joint on her lap and putting her whole focus in the meticulous work. Chris is on his phone on the sofa, laying down, his head on one of the armrests. He’s so tall that his feet are still far off the other edge.

“What brings me the pleasure of being woken up at,” Jake looks at the clock on the kitchen wall and looks back at Rose, “ten am on a Saturday?”

“It’s Sunday,” Rose comments without looking up, spreading tobacco on the paper with the weed.

“Even worse. It’s God’s day.”

A wave of anxiety squeezes through me. It is God’s day, and since I’ve been seeing Jake, I have barely been to Church. Mom doesn’t know, but I’m sure Pastor Gilligan will tell her soon and she will be disappointed about it. She won’t be mad, but she’ll be sad that our Sunday family trip with dad and Aaron has officially turned to nothing.

Jake walks around the bar and grabs two glasses to fill them with orange juice. His bruised ribs are a darker color than yesterday. I noticed that he never puts a shirt on in the morning. He always has breakfast in sweatpants and nothing else. Much to my liking.

Chris straightens up on the sofa, leaving space for me and Jake to sit. I settle next to Chris, mumbling a shy ‘good morning’. I’ll never forget that the first orgasm Jake ever gave me, Chris was holding me from the back, his thumb in my mouth. It’s no big deal for them, but I don’t usually play in their league and I’m not a girl who is used to those kinds of things.

It seems a lot of my fellow teenage girls at Stoneview Prep have experienced all sorts of crazy sex despite our age. A lot of it includes Chris and Jake and what they used to call their ‘sexcapades’. This is what it’s like to be amongst the rich and famous, everyone grows up too fast due to the lack of their parents being around and they do whatever they want, indulging in drugs and sex at an early age. I wonder what else hides behind Chris’ sweetness. I wonder for whom he stopped playing with girls.

“How are you feeling?” he asks me. “I haven’t seen you since the party at Cal’s.”

I shrug, not really knowing what to say since not much happened to me. “I’m not the one who lost a tooth. How are you?”

“Same tooth as usual?” Jake questions as he sits next to me and passes me a glass.

Chris chuckles and nods. “They put it back again, but they said I should get an implant next time.”

“Always take care of your teeth, baby bear, it’s important,” Jake jokes. “So, what’s up?”

I sip on my orange juice, waiting for Chris or Rose to announce whatever it is that’s so bad and I know from the atmosphere that it really is bad.

Chris points towards the bar in a head gesture and only now do I notice the envelope sitting next to Rose on the bar. “That came in the mail this morning.”