“To Stoneview? Fuck that,” he chuckles. He grabs the keys on the counter and head-gestures to the door. “Let’s go, beautiful.”
‘I’m the voice inside your head
That keeps telling you to listen to all the bad things I say’
Bad Things – Machine Gun Kelly & Camila Cabello
I’m standing in front of my mirror on Monday morning, scrolling through the texts Jake sent me on Friday.
I thought I’d spend the weekend with Nathan, but he told me his friends were helping with the move and I understood he didn’t want me there. So instead of spending my weekend with him, I spent it worrying that he didn’t want his friends to know about me and that he got freaked out after my Friday revelation.
I also spent it reading and re-reading Jake’s texts he sent when my phone was off on Friday and worrying about what I should do to get him to leave me alone. Not only because I’m scared of what he could say to Luke’s family but also because I need to stay away from him if I want my relationship with Nathan to work.
My head drops back to my phone as I re-read his texts for the hundredth time, biting the inside of my cheek.
Jake:Where are you?
Jake:I swear you better be back by lunch.
Jake:You and I need to have a chat.
Jake:You’re just digging yourself a deeper hole Angel. You’re not gonna enjoy Monday.
I take a deep breath and look at myself one last time. Do I really think wearing a skirt will keep me out of trouble? No. Do I hope it will at least tame his anger? Absolutely. Hope is all I have.
While I’m on my phone, I check my shifts for this week. Mom has been unable to send me money and if I want a dress for the Halloween ball next Friday, I’m going to have to pay for it myself.
I started working at the café again but have been feeling uneasy knowing that Jake discovered my embarrassing secret. I haven’t taken anything from the register again, obviously, but my time there has been rather awkward.
Emily’s honk outside brings me out of my thoughts and I grab my backpack before hurrying to the door.
I freeze as soon as I step out. In the passenger seat of Emily’s car is Luke Baker. I shake my head to check I’m not dreaming but no, he’s sitting right inmyseat. Emily must see me stop because she hops out of her car and runs toward me.
“Hey, I hope you don’t mind, Luke’s car broke down on his way to school and he asked me to pick them up. It was on my way to yours,” she explains.
“Yeah, he drives the twins, right?”
Of course he does. Luke often drives the twins because we get extra credits for carpooling and Chris goes early in the morning to use the school gym.
I suddenly feel a cold sweat all over my body.
I was so focused on Luke that I didn’t notice Jake and Rose sitting at the back of her car. What did I do to deserve this? Surely, I must have killed one of America’s sweethearts in my previous life to be punished this way.
I open the back door and I’m met with Jake and Rose staring at me. Rose is sitting on the far left and Jake in the middle. Jake’s eyes dip down to my skirt and back to my face. He greets me with a satisfied smirk and I instantly know this is not going to be a good day.
Emily starts the car and party music follows. I’m in a mood for anything but a party right now. This is a funeral. Mine to be precise.
“Party at mine next Friday. After the Halloween Ball. Babe, you should come for pre-game too,” Luke says. “You know...just you and me.”
I roll my eyes and turn to the window. I’ve got nothing against Luke but the situation I’m in right now is because he and my best friend have decided to start something serious. Couldn’t they stick to a one-night stand?