Chris turns around but I’m not following anymore. My eyes are too heavy to open, and I can only hear their voices, barely processing what’s going on. I let myself fall backward on the bean bag.
“I thought you meant short term,” Jake defends himself.
“No, I mean I don’t want to fuck other girls anymore. I told you I wasn’t…” Chris sighs and his voice lowers, but I still hear him. Even in my sleepy, tipsy, post-orgasm state I can still hear his next statement. “I told you I wasn’t interested in Jamie.”
“Then why did you stay?”
Chris chuckles sarcastically. “I’m only human. She’s hot but I’m done fucking around.”
There’s a pause and I try to fight sleep, but it slowly overcomes me.
“Oh shit, you met someone. Why didn’t you say so? I’m sorry…”
Jake’s deep voice is the last thing I hear.
‘You’re ripped at every edge
But you’re a masterpiece
Colors – Halsey
I startle awake at the sound of a door slamming. Daylight is coming through the window making me realize I’ve got a pounding headache and I keep my eyes firmly closed. There are voices coming from outside my room. Loud and clear. Too loud.
“I can’t fucking believe you! How could you do this tome,Rose? Any of your other sluts I don’t care, butme?!”
Rose? Who’s talking?
“I didn’t do any–”
“Don’t. Don’t lie to me. You owe me at least that.”
There’s a pause and I open my eyes halfway. The light iswaytoo bright.
“The cheer coach?! The fucking cheer coach?!”
“It’s only a text.” I recognize Rose’s collected tone.
“Only a text? Are you actually kidding me? He’s an adult Rose! Sending flirty texts to a seventeen-year-old! He’s a pedophile and you’re even more fucked up than I thought! You knew our deal. We’re done.”
Wait.Is that Rachel? And Rose? In my house? Why is the window to my left? My window is to my right when I’m lying in bed.
Last night suddenly hits me like a running train. Jake. The drinking. The game. My first kiss. Jake and Chris. My first orgasm. I can feel myself blush at the pleasure and being so exposed to them. I have a tingling sensation between my legs, remembering Jake’s fingers inside me. His lips on my neck. I remember falling asleep. I have a glimpse of Jake carrying me.
I’m in his room. I open my eyes, properly this time, and I’m hit with the confirmation that I’m currently in his bedroom and now embarrassingly aware of his chest against my back, one arm around my waist, the other under my head.
The voices in the hallway come back. Rachel is still shouting at Rose while she feeds her excuses calmly until her voice finally rises.
“Fuck no! Rach don’t even think about it.”
“Oh, fuck. You!”