Youweregoing to take it too far.
I run a hand through my hair as she watches me pace around the room.
“Just...just get off the bed.”
She hurries off the bed and I reach in my back pocket.
“And put some fucking underwear on.” I throw the black panties I grabbed from her place and she catches them. “I’ll get you some clothes,” I conclude as I leave the room.
I’m still panting when Jake leaves the room. I’m speechless at what just happened. I can’t believe I’ve let him do this. I can’t believe how much I was enjoying it. I was lost in utter bliss. In a dimension between here and ecstasy. I wanted more, I wanted him. To touch me, to explore my body like a map to a pirate’s treasure. But the rational voice inside me asked him to stop.
I almost slapped myself when the words came out. I didn’t want him to realize how bad I needed him to continue, to stop teasing and give me what I craved. But Jake goes about with questionable seducing techniques and I don’t think I could let myself give in to his bullying, no matter how good it feels.
At least I know he stops if I ask him too. Although the look on his face when he pulled away was like he was fighting something deep within himself. Like he wanted to hurt me but stopped himself when he got close to his goal.
I quickly get back to reality and put my underwear on. Once I’ve slipped into my clean panties he grabbed from my house, I pick up the bra I was wearing today from my pile of clothes on the floor. I put the bra on without taking his shirt completely off. The last thing I want is him to come back in while I’m trying to put my B-cup back on.
I pick up the towel I dropped earlier from the floor and hang it on the back of his desk chair. I slowly walk to the closet door and open it. There’s a mirror on the other side of the door and I check myself.
I look exactly the same, but I feel different. I feel desperate. All I want is Jake’s touch on me again. On the outside, I look like I can control myself but deep down I feel like I’d do anything to go back to the ecstatic state I get in when he touches me.
I frown at myself in the mirror. I look like an eight-year-old in his shirt. It’s way too big for me. The seam of the shoulder is on my arm and the bottom of the shirt is low on my thighs.
I let out a frustrated sigh as I close the closet door. I look down at the shirt and bring it to my nose. It smells like him, his dark wooden scent. Like I’m lost in a deep forest but still surrounded by the warmth of citrus tickling my nostrils.
The bedroom door opens, and I jump in surprise, releasing the bit of the shirt I brought up to my nose. He walks towards me and hands me a skirt and a black t-shirt.
“Here, you can wear this. It’s Rose’s.”
I can’t help the laugh that escapes my lips. “You want me to wear Rose’s clothes? Have you seen her, and have you seen me?”
“You’re both skinny,” he shrugs. Is he that unobservant? Did he never notice his sister is about twice my height?
I give a second look at the skirt and top. It’s a small black denim skirt and a simple tee.
“Whatever,” I mumble. I go to leave for the bathroom, but he holds me back by the shoulder.
“Where are you going?”
Was he even there when he asked me to get changed? “I’m put these on?” I hesitate.
He lets out a short chuckle and I feel like I missed the joke. “Who said you should get changed in the bathroom?”
I open my mouth to say something, but I can’t find the words.
“I’ve probably seen more girls in underwear in my life than you have, Angel. You’re not that impressive.” He goes to his desk and sits on the chair.
I pretend his words don’t hurt as I slide the skirt on. How can he be so hot and cold? One second he wants to make my life hell, the next he wants to fuck me, and the following he tells me I’m not special. As Emily said, I don’t know if he wants to kill me or fuck me. I decide to keep his khaki tee on and tuck it in the denim skirt.
He looks up from his computer and turns to me, raising an eyebrow as soon as he notices I kept his top on. He gets up and walks to me slowly, like a predator closing on his prey, and according to the smug smile on his face, he knows this prey isn’t going anywhere.
He stops barely one step before bumping into me. He’s so close that I have to tilt my head up to watch him as he looks down at me. He puts a hand on my hip and holds me tight. I can already feel the flush growing on my chest for the third time tonight and I silently wonder if there will ever be a time when my body doesn’t respond this way to his.
“Why did you take the phone, Angel?”