Page 48 of Giving In

Don’t you? You got hot and bothered when Jake tackled you to the ground and threatened you with a gun.

Yeah. I’m a hypocrite.

I Google ‘V strip club Silver Falls’ on my phone but nothing comes up. I type ‘Volkov strip club Silver Falls’ perfectly knowing it won’t lead me anywhere. After almost an hour of googling strip clubs in the city and traumatizing myself with pictures I should have never seen, I give up in a yawn. I can’t find which one he’s talking about. I’ll have to figure it out with Em.

Just before I fall asleep, my own phone beeps, and I have a look at it thinking it would be my mom wishing me good night. My heart somersaults in my chest when I read the text.

Unknown:On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is it that I can’t wait until Sunday to see you again? N.

I instantly understand it comes from Nathan and I feel a rush of warmth going through me.He texted me.Tiredness dissipates from my body and I fully grab my phone sitting up slightly.

Jamie:I’d say about 9 but I don’t blame you.

I save his number in my phone and put it down next to me on the bed. A few minutes later it beeps again, and my head shoots up.

Nathan:Don’t tell me you can wait. You’re going to hurt my feelings.

I can’t help the smile from spreading on my lips.

Jamie:No... I can’t.

He doesn’t reply for a while and my eyelids grow heavy.

When I wake up, my chest is swollen with happiness. I’m instantly reminded of my exchange with Nathan. I grab my phone with bubbling anticipation, it’s uncurling in my stomach like a blooming flower spreading its fresh petals. As soon as the screen lights up, I jump off my bed and skip to the bathroom happily. This is going to be a good day.

I look at the text again as I’m brushing my teeth.

Nathan:I’ll think of a way to solve our problem. You go to bed, beautiful.

I reply as soon as I’m dressed.

Jamie:Looking forward to hearing the solution.

An hour later, I’m hopping into Emily’s car still in a conversation with Nathan.

“Where is this cute, cheeky smile coming from?” Emily notices my mood straight away. “You’re either texting your mom or you’re ordering breakfast to collect at Starbucks.”

I laugh and shrug. “I’m just in a good mood. Am I not allowed?”

“This is not a happy smile, this is an ‘I’m doing something I like’ smile. I’d say it’s an ‘I’m getting laid’ smile but we both know you’re not getting laid. Or...are you?”

I laugh out loud and she gives me another look. “Girl, what is up with you?”

“Just texting this guy I met at Church.”

It’s her turn to laugh. “Oh, I bet he’s a real bad boy.”

I give her a nudge as she starts the car, and she gives it back in my stomach making me wince.

“What’s wrong?” she asks, suddenly worried.

“Ugh, nothing. Turns out Camila should become a professional soccer player because she’s got quite a kick.”

“A kick? She kicked you?” My friend’s voice goes up a few notches.

“It’s nothing, honestly.” I run her through my post-training altercation while searching through my bag. As I conclude, I pull Rose’s burner phone out of my bag and present it to her.

“Anyway, ever heard of V’s strip club?”