Her parents own Stoneview, her big brothers still have their playboy and tough boys’ reputation in this school even a few years after leaving and she’s got their protection. She’s their queen and Stoneview Prep is her kingdom. It’s only fair that the king of the school is hers.
Camila’s beauty is above other girls, and she knows it. If Jake messes with her, he’s got serious competition and she has no problem making him aware of it. As a true Queen Bee, she has scared every girl in our school into not evenlookingat Jake.
Because the girls here have grown terrified of Camila, Jake goes and gets his shots from the baddies on the wrong side of Silver Falls – aka North Shore of the Falls – the city attached to Stoneview. The only two girls that don’t feel threatened by Camila’s importance are Rose (obviously)and Rachel, her best friend, since she’s too interested in the former.
“You fucked up, White. Good luck getting over me,” Camila spits her words at Jake like they’re never going to get back together.
“Yup, it’s happening,” I inform my friend.
Jake gets up from his seat to try and explain himself to his not so ex-girlfriend.
“Cam, please don’t be like this,” he starts his monologue. “I was not myself this summer. I was lost, you know I grew up without a father figure, it fucked me up. I swear.”Oh, here we fucking go.His favorite excuse is just a few words away. “Do you think it was easy being abandoned as a baby? I fuck up sometimes because I get in these states where I don’t know who I really am anymore.”
Chris is scowling at Jake from his seat and Luke and Rose have stopped laughing and are silently watching the action unfold. Jake just keeps going with his bullshit. “I guess...I’ll never really know who I really am, but you keep me grounded, I promise. Please...”
Camila gives Rose a quick look and Rose nods with a fake sad look on her face. God, they’re so good at this. Always in on each other’s lies.
Camila crosses her arms and pops out her hip to look like she’s in control. “I’m so sick of your orphan excuse, Jake. It can’t work every time.” She walks away, her heels clicking on the floor of the cafeteria. They didn’t attract everyone’s attention, but they definitely attracted mine and Jake catches me looking. He gives me a big smile and a wink.
I stand up and grab my tray, feeling myself blush from being caught.
“I’m stopping by the bathroom before history. Are you coming?” I ask Em.
“I’ve got Spanish next period, you go ahead I’ll see you in gym,” she replies before digging into her yogurt.
“Cool,” I quickly smile back at her and escape the cafeteria.
I’m about to push the door to the girls’ bathroom when I hear a deep voice behind me.
“Did you enjoy the show, Jamie?” I quickly turn around to face Jake.
Why did he follow me out? I left so I wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment of being caught watching him. I raise my chin at his condescending tone and cross my arms across my chest.
“Your arguments with Camila are a daily occurrence. It’s getting boring,” I reply.
He lets out a genuine laugh and looks at me from my toes until his gaze locks with mine again. “I couldn’t agree more. Again, glad you’re keeping track of my life.”
I roll my eyes at him. How can he be so full of himself? “Please, just because you argue with your ‘girlfriend’ publicly every day of the week doesn’t mean I keep track. It only means you’re loud.” I make sure to air quote the word ‘girlfriend’. His wide smile turns lopsided as if he’s annoyed at my words but knows he is still winning.
Winning what Jamie? You’re not playing a game with him.
He takes a step closer to me and looks down at me before darting his tongue across his lower lip.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, Jamie.” His voice is low and assertive, and my heart can tell it’s in trouble. Jake’s voice holds a certain darkness to it, like a promise to ruin me if I’d let him. He leans down, his mouth close to my ear and his voice is now a low rasp. “I would hate to have to punish you for something so silly.”
My heart skips a beat, or probably ten, and a strange sensation bubbles in my lower belly. I suddenly struggle to swallow my own saliva as he straightens back up, his stupid smile still on his face. From this close, I can see he has a dimple on his left cheek, and I think I might die right here and now.
“Wh-what?” I sound like a kid caught doing something wrong.
Why am I being like this?
He explodes laughing and reaches out to me, ruffling my hair. “You should see your face. You look like you just heard the word sex for the first time. So fucking cute.”
My mouth drops open, I am lost for words and probably look like a fish out of water.Is this guy for real?I open and close my mouth a few times, unsure of what to say.
“Jake,” a familiar voice calls out from behind him. He turns around and I see Chris walking towards us.