Page 113 of Giving In

Barcelona – Brother Leo

October, Halloween Ball Night …


I can’t believe hownormalmy night with Jamie is. When we’re not pushing and pulling at each other we can really get along. She’s so much fun and I can’t get enough of her laugh.

I’m pouring her another glass of punch then take it out of her hand before spilling it on the table. She promised me a dance after a drink, but I don’t think I can wait.

“Oops,” I say in my most innocent voice.

“Jake,” she giggles, and I want to grab her face and kiss her.

I’m about to tease her some more but for the fifth time of the night, Chris pulls me out of the ballroom in a whispered ‘sorry’ to Jamie. We walk to the gardens in silence and once we reach a quiet space with no one around to eavesdrop he lets himself fall onto a stone bench.

“Nothing?” I ask.

“Nothing.” He runs his hand behind his neck, like every time he’s anxious.

“She’ll resurface,” I say, perfectly knowing Ozy is starting to ruin everyone’s night.

“What if something happened to her?”

“Nothing happened to her. She’s just an annoying little shit.”

Chris sighs and looks around but doesn’t say anything.

“Look. You’ll have all the time you want tomorrow to ask her where she was and teach her a lesson about disappearing, which she’ll ignore and disappear again. That’s just how she is, Chris. The ball is tonight only and she’s not showing up. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy yourself. Man, it’s our last Halloween ball at Stoneview Prep. Can you imagine? Please stop worrying, she’ll come back by midnight. We always blow our candles out together.”

I have my ideas of where Ozy is, but now is not the time to share. If I admit to Chris that she’s probably with Sam, he’ll want to go get her and I don’t want him to get in trouble. Especially because my sister is not smart enough to keep herself out of it.

He nods but I know he’s not convinced.

“Where is your date?” I ask.

“I don’t have a date, you know that.”

“You told me you were done with our little sexcapades because you met someone, and I don’t see no one around you.”

He chuckles and gets back up. “No, she’s my secret. None of you get to see her.”

I gasp dramatically. “You sneaky boy. Does she go here?”

He shakes his head, denying me any answer, and laughs as he heads back in.

Rose is fine.

I try to convince myself that I’m allowed to enjoy my night without worrying about her. It’s easier said than done. As Chris heads back inside, I grab my phone out of my inside jacket pocket and shoot her a text.

Jake:My sweet little Ozy. If you don’t tell us where you are within the hour I’m going to chase your ass around town and you don’t want to know what will happen when I find you.

It only takes her about a minute to reply and I can’t help but shake my head. She only reacts when she’s pushed. It annoys me how similar we are.

Ozy:I’m fine.

She accompanies her lovely text with a middle finger emoji, and I can’t help but chuckle. What a bitch.

Jake:Fine where?