“Just go to the tryouts. You pick that team, babe. We’ll talk about it again,” she concludes.
I smile at her and head outside to the lacrosse pitch wondering how an introvert like me ever became best friends with an extrovert like Emily Joly.
‘All the stars in the sky could see
Why you’re perfectly wrong for me’
Perfectly Wrong – Shawn Mendes
Luke and I make our way to the bleachers. We climb the stairs and sit a few rows behind a group of girls who keep turning around to smile at us. Luke winks at one of them he knows well. And by that, I mean he fucks regularly. His phone vibrates and he looks down at it.
“Chris said he’s heading home. He doesn’t want to watch the tryouts,” Luke says as he looks back up. “I want to watch the tryouts.”
“Sure you do, a bunch of girls running around in small skorts. Where else would you be?” I mock him.
He looks right at me and raises an eyebrow. “Are you here for something else? Trying for the team maybe?”
“I will always be part of the team. Even when I’m gone to college, my name will still be the most famous one on this team.”
Stoneview men’s lacrosse team does their tryouts at the end of the year rather than the beginning so seniors can help pick the team. I had to do it when I was in 8th grade to make sure I could be part of the team as a freshman and that is nerve-wracking for most of the guys. It wasn’t for me. I’m good at this and nothing can throw me off my game. I play the same position as my sister, straight attack. I’m a scorer. We both love the pressure and the fame that comes with it. This year I was made captain of the team and Luke and I can’t wait to terrorize our freshmen.
“Of course, Cap’.” Luke winks at me.
I laugh and look at the pitch, my gaze goes to Jamie straight away. Jamie Williams. This morning I didn’t even know who she was and right now I’m struggling to tear my eyes away from her. I think back to how she squirmed under my gaze in the hallway after lunch and my cock tightens. Fuck, she’s hot.
Chris drew the line straight away. He didn’t appreciate me fucking with her and he’s made himself clear about leaving her alone. He said he didn’t want to watch her get her heart broken, especially by me. I wasn’t planning on breaking her heart, just playing with it a little bit. Nothing too serious. Chris isn’t the boss of me, but he can be a scary fucker when he loses patience. And when he cares about something, I know it’s important. He cares for his friends and if Jamie is one of them then I’ll leave her alone. He doesn’t have to know I watched her play lacrosse though, right?
“Why are you drooling over Goody?” Luke cuts my thoughts short.
“Goody?” I ask, turning to him.
“Jamie Williams? The girl Chris asked you to leave alone.”
“I’m not drooling over her. Sheishot though. How did I not notice her before? Chris said she’s a friend of his.”
“She is, they were really good friends until you and Rose decided to take over his life completely. I think she’s got a thing for him.”
Oh.So, this is why my friend has put her off-limits. “For Chris? He never mentioned her, how do you all know who she is and I don’t? Is he into her too?”
Why am I getting so interested in her relationship with Chris?
Luke chuckles. “Dude, she’s ‘Goody’ of course you know who she is, you just haven’t associated they’re the same person yet. She was lacrosse captain last year, every time Rose complained about early morning practice that ‘Goody’ added?That’sJamie.”
I guess I have heard of Goody. Camila constantly makes fun of this girl who works at the Bakers’ café and, according to her, doesn’t get that clothes twice her size is not a fashionable look. Except when Camila talked about Goody, I imagined a geeky girl with boy clothes too big for her and no social skills.
I never would have imagined the gorgeous half-Asian girl with golden green eyes and tanned skin who’s currently running around in a tight skort. I remember clearly Cam and Beth saying she got the unlucky beauty genes but from here I feel pretty lucky having a great view of her round, plump ass. Every time she bends down to pick up the ball with her stick, I can see the shorties under the skirt that hugs her tight cheeks.
Fuck,that’s Goody?!
“You didn’t answer my question,” I say to Luke, watching her straighten back up and run towards the goal.
“Is Chris into her?”