“Do not become a victim of that woman like your brother did.”

I spin around to confront her. “Do you want to know the truth about your son, Mother? You know exactly the kind of person he was. He was an asshole and he–”

“How dare you speak of your brother like this? Have you no decency or respect?” She straightens herself out, the spitting image of a woman who has lost control trying to regain it. “I will not allow this talk in my house.”

“Did you know what else he was?” I close the distance between us so that I’m looking down at her. “Did you know that he was a rapist? That’s why he’s gone. His actions finally caught up to him.”

The sting of her hand across the side of my face stuns me before I have the chance to react. “I knew exactly who my son was. Now, get the fuck out of my house and don’t even think about coming to your sister’s party this weekend.”

I rub over the soreness of my cheek, dumbfounded. And then softly, I say, “You’ve already lost two children. One to the grave and the other to the wrong side of town. Do you really want to risk losing another?”

She tilts her head at me, uppity. “As long as you remain chained to that vile woman, you are dead to me.” She races ahead of me, pulling open the door to see me out. I think it’s the first time I’ve ever seen her lay a hand on the door. That’s usually someone else’s job. “Your sister will come home when she’s done rebelling. I fear you are already too far gone.” She looks away from me, unable to bear the sight of me for a moment longer. “Now get out of my sight before your father gets home.”

I don’t say another word, just do as I’m told. Not because she’s won, but because I’m exhausted and need to prepare myself for round two. If my own family wants a war, they’ll get one.

Once I’m in my car, I shoot Addison a quick text.

NICK: We have a party to attend this weekend.


NICK: Meet me at the apartment



The ghosts of the past haunt the shadows of the present, threatening to drown me in the sins of the past.

Asher and Nick are two opposite ends of the choices I can’t escape. One belongs to the past and the other belongs to the present, and if there is a God, neither will come with me into the future. This dangerous game I’m playing with Nick has only become more dangerous with the arrival of Asher, and not just because the two of them will try and destroy each other.

Asher holds the key to the missing parts of my life before returning to The Hamptons and the secrets he could reveal risk setting off a bomb that has the potential to expose everything. The only way I can control the collateral damage is to find a way to convince him to leave town. But Asher has never been anything but stubborn. On my best days, I was so sure he was the one for me. On my worst days, he made sure to remind me that he was the one for me. It was all fiction, a carefully crafted fairytale where he saved the damsel in distress from the sins of the kingdom she escaped.

I used him in every way someone can use someone else and the guilt weighs heavy on my soul, but it’s not enough to get me to leave this place. He and I could never be truly happy together. It wouldn’t be fair to him. That’s to say nothing of the fact that I will never be able to experience true happiness until I wrap up all the loose ends in this town, and I have a sinking feeling in my guilt that this only ends one way.

In two graves and one of them is reserved for me.

Before I even arrive at the motel, I notice a sheriff’s cruiser sitting in the gravel parking lot. I consider driving right on by, knowing there’s a high chance that the sheriff is looking for either my mother or me. God knows what she’s been getting into when I’m gone. My innards twist as I make the decision to pull into the parking lot to find the cruiser sitting in front of the window of our room.

I take a deep breath as I exit the car. “Good afternoon, Officer. Is there anything I can help you with?”

“I was just getting ready to leave, but I’m glad that you decided to show up. It makes this a lot easier.”

I swallow nervously. “Did my mother do something? Is she okay?”

“I’m actually here to discuss some matters with you.”

“Am I enough of a celebrity around these parts that you don’t even need to verify who I am before approaching me with an inquisition?”

He smirks. “It’s a small town.”

I lean against my car, crossing my arms defiantly. “Look, it’s been a long day already so can you cut to the chase. What are you here to harass me about?”

“Right.” He taps on the hood of his car and approaches, holding a hand on each hip, precariously close to the gun on his holster. “I’m following up on a report of missing items at the Callaway manor. Security footage shows that you were there at the tail end of the summer while the family was out of town. Mr. Callaway claims that at some point during or after his trip, he noticed some things missing from his office.”

Shit.“I was at that house a lot during the summer.”

He raises a brow suspiciously. “And during the time in question?”