She tilts her head just slightly as she flattens her hand over the front of my shirt, pressing it. “Your father and I love each other deeply but the wear and tear of a forty-year marriage takes its toll. We’re not always the nicest people to each other, but we’ve been through things that would break any other marriage. I know you know that better than most.”

I gently remove her hand from my chest. “The only thing I know anymore is that Dad isn’t the man I thought he was and let’s be honest, I’ve never exactly held him in high regard.”

“Everything that he does, he does for the family.”

“Really?” I let out a sarcastic laugh. “So you’re telling me that he runs around town, banging any young broad that will give him attention because he cares about this family?”

She lets out an exaggerated sigh as she retreats slightly. “Your father has always had so much energy. I could never fulfill him the way he needs to be fulfilled.”

“I want to pretend that I’m glad that we are having an actual real conversation with the truth for once, but I really don’t care about your sex lives.”

“Then why did you bring it up?”

“Because I’m trying to make a point to show you that he has had his foot out the door all these years. He doesn’t care about this family any more than I do.”

“Why don’t we continue this talk over some tea?”

I’m really not in the mood for tea, but she’s not going to takenofor an answer. I have enough experience dealing with this deranged woman to know that for certain, so I let her escort me outside where the maid already has two hot cups poured. My mother is so damn calculated.

I sit on the opposite end from her so that we are a good five chairs distance apart from each other, staring each other down like a western shootout. “You know I’ve never been fond of tea without a little bit of something extra in it.”

“It’s still early in the afternoon, Nick. If you need a drink this early, I might suggest another stint in rehab.”

“Twice was enough,” I say with a smile as I lift the cup to my mouth, pretending to take a sip. “It’s a beautiful day out. One of the last nice days before the leaves start to fall, so can we cut to the chase so I can continue enjoying my day?”

“If I can pry-”

“Oh, you’re asking for permission?” I ask, cutting her off.

“What changed between your father and you? I can’t help but notice the peculiar timing.”

I slide my cup out of the way, clearly seeing where this is going. “Please don’t try and pin this on Addison. She has done a lot of things, but she is not responsible for my apathy for my father.”

She drops all pretenses in an instant. Her endearing smile, obviously an act, fades into something far more sinister. Her eyes narrow on me, ice cold and deadly. “I’m afraid that girl has gotten into your head. What happened to my smart boy? He had the wits to separate the real girls from the trash.”

I throw my head back in an irritated fit of laughter. “You two are just alike, you know that?” Then, I stare straight into her eyes. “I’m a grown ass man and I’m fully capable of making my own decisions. Nothing you, or Dad, says is going to change my mind about anything. Also, please don’t pretend to know what’s going on between Addison and me.”

She slams her hands onto the table, shaking the teacup in front of her. “That girl killed your brother.”

“If you guys are so sure of that, then why is she walking free? Something doesn’t add up,” I say, well aware of the truth that she did in fact kill Carter. It’s something that’s been on my mind, something I can’t shake. “You guys are two of the most powerful people in New York. With one snap of your fingers, she could be imprisoned or worse, and yet the only tool in your arsenal is to slander her. It doesn’t make any fucking sense.”

“What doesn’t make any sense is that you willingly parade her around like she’s some kind of rotten arm candy. Do you have any idea the way people look at the two of you together? Do you have any idea how bad your entanglement makes this family look?”

“Listen to me, and I know that might be hard because you’re on the opposite end of the table, but I’m telling you right now that this family’s reputation doesn’t bother me in the slightest. You’ve been telling me for years that I need to grow up and be a man, to make my own decisions. Well here I am. Your wish come true. The only problem is that you only desire that I make my own decisions when those decisions benefit you.”

She seethes between gritted teeth, not used to people fighting back, much less her own flesh and blood. I think that’s why she disposed of Emily so easily. Can’t stand when her own children don’t bow down to her royal highness. “You will stop seeing that whore, immediately. You will come home to this house where you belong, and you will make things right with your father. Understood?”

I drag my palm over my eyes, unable to believe what I’m hearing. Can’t believe the words that are about to come out of my mouth and when they do, they don’t come out with a tinge of vengeance like I wished them to. Instead, they come out like a soft whimper of despair. Quiet and low. “She’s pregnant, Mom.”

And then she speaks, just as quiet. “Don’t let that woman do this to you.”

“Do what?”

“She’s only after your money. She will do whatever it takes to trap you.”

“She doesn’t want anything to do with this family. I can assure you of that,” I say as I jump to my feet, kicking the chair behind me to the ground below. I really don’t know why I’m surprised that this immediately went back to the money. It’s all these people think about. “I’m leaving now, don’t follow me.”

But of course she does. I can hear her heels smacking against the ground as she pursues me out of the garden and into the back door of the house. She finally catches me as I pass underneath the arch of the winding duel staircase.