And that was how fucked up Ram was. He would sleep better knowing I was dead. Talk about a psycho. Malcom sure did have a way of finding the unstable ones.

I army crawled past one of the torn-apart bikes and took off my cut.

“Just take it like a fucking man, Zig.” Ram fired another round into the air.

I counted how many times he had fired. Was it three or four? Or had it been five? He had two more bullets in the gun, so he was either ready to reload or not as armed as he thought.

“Tell me something,” I called. I should probably keep my mouth shut since he could better tell where I was, but I had to know something. Ransom had to know something. “Where is she? Where is Kerry? You can kill me, but at least let me be able to tell Reese where her friend is.”

Ram chuckled. “I don’t fucking know. Brain said he took care of her and left her for dead. That’s what I know. Beat the fucking shit out of her and left her for dead.”

Son of a bitch. That wasn’t going to help Ransom at all.

A loud bang sounded on the large garage door.

“What the fuck is that?” Ram growled.

I didn’t fucking know, but I prayed it was a bigrade come to save me. Hell, I would even take one of the members of the club.

There was no way in hell Ram was going to get away with this.

“Open up!”


Ransom was fucking here.

Ram’s heavy footstep moved closer to me. He fired a bullet in my direction and was closer than he had been with the last shot.

A massive explosion rocked the garage, and I fell to my side.

“No!” Ram shouted. He barreled toward me and put a knee to my throat. “You’re going to fucking die today, Zig. Even if it means I’m going to die, too, motherfucker.”

“Put your weapon down!” Ransom called.

Ram landed a punch on my face, and my head snapped back. His fist slammed into my jaw, and pain exploded.

I felt the cold metal of the gun on my temple, and my breath left my lungs. This was it. This is where it all ended.

Ram’s finger moved to the trigger, and I watched the muscles in his hand squeeze, but nothing happened. At least not to me.

“Ram!” Ransom called.

Ram’s head swiveled to look at Ransom.

Ransom fired off three shots, and they all landed right where Ransom wanted.

Ram’s head.

His body jerked with each shot, and he careened to the side. He crumpled to the ground, and a groan escaped his mouth.

I fell back onto the hard cement of the garage and sighed. “About fucking time your ass got here,” I drawled.

Ransom moved to stand over Ram and kicked him with the toe of his boot. “It took me a second to find you.”

“Thank god it didn’t take two seconds, or my ass would have been gone.”

Ransom grabbed his walkie talked from his belt and called in a 10-67.