“He was going to tear apart the Devil’s Knights from every angle he could. Dead club girls, he was pretty good at that and trying to kill you guys whenever he could. He also saw how tight you guys were with each other. He decided not only to kill you guys but torment you also.”

“He’s fucking dead,” I spat. “Why in the hell are you still carrying out his plan?”

Ram shrugged. “That’s where things get a little bit complicated. I didn’t think we would go on with Malcom’s plan, but Brain being the fucking genius he is, didn’t get that memo.”

I still didn’t understand what the fuck was going on.

“Brain had the bright idea to frame you for murder and get your ass thrown in jail for the rest of your life. That’s where Kerry comes into play.”

“You were going to frame me for killing Kerry?” I spat. “What the fuck is wrong with you guys?” I demanded. “Malcom literally had zero connection to you guys besides going to college with Brain, but that made you want to go along with fucking up my family and life?”

“Money, dumbass. He gave me a fuck ton of money to end you and the Devil’s Knights. He wanted to make sure that you assholes would still be destroyed if he wound up dead.”

“But why? He died, and you got your money. Why didn’t you just take the money and leave me alone?”

“I was going to!” Ram shouted. “I was going to just forget about the Devil’s Knights, but then you came knocking on our fucking door like a lost puppy. Brain put shit into motion and then got cold fucking feet. He was going to turn himself into the cops. He was a fucking moron!”

“Why not just let him turn himself in?”

“Because that fuckwad was going to take me down with him. He was rambling about how it was my fault he had did what he did because I had struck a deal with Malcom.”

“So you killed Brain, and now what?”

“And now I kill you, make it look like a suicide, and everything is done. I did what Malcom wanted, and I get to keep my money.”

My phone rang, and Ram fired a shot over my head. “Answer that, and you’re dead before you can even say hello.”

I held my hands in the air. “I’m not answering it.” I wasn’t going to move if that kept Ram from killing me. He was going to have to get close to me if he was going to make it look like I committed suicide.

This could work to my advantage if I worked it just right.

“Who in the hell is calling you?” he demanded.

Maybe Brain wasn’t the only one in the Sons of Sin who didn’t have a brain. “I’m not going to know unless I look at my phone,” I explained.

Ram growled. “One hand reaches for the phone, and the other stays in the air,” he ordered. “If you make one move I don’t like, I will blow your fucking head off.”e

“Hard to make it look like a suicide if you blow my head off,” I countered. I knew I shouldn’t piss Ram off more than he was, but this guy was a tool.

“Who called you?” he shouted.

I slowly lowered my right hand and kept my left in the air.

Ram was unstable as fuck, and I was walking a thin line with him. I grasped my phone and pulled it from my pocket. I swiped the screen to pull up my call log and saw a missed call from Ransom. “Just my mom,” I called.

“What the fuck does she want?” he demanded.

Think, Zig.

“Not sure. You want me to call her back?” I pressed Ransom’s name to put a call through.

“No!” Ram shouted. “Throw your fucking phone on the ground,” he ordered.

I tossed the phone at my feet and ensured the screen was in the dirt.

“Now step toward me,” he growled.

I prayed to god that Ransom didn’t answer the phone and holler for me.