I didn’t know how I was a pain in the ass for Ram. I had always done what he wanted from me, and I never talked back.
I had been the perfect prospect. Sure, I fucking hated it, but as far as I knew, Ram didn’t know.
“Uh, I don’t know. Did I do something wrong?” What in the fuck was going on?
Ram took a sip of his beer. “You have no clue, do you?”
If Ram would give me a damn clue about what he was talking about, I might have an answer for him other than I don’t know. “A clue about what?”
A sly smile spread across Ram’s lips. “Malcom.”
The name dripped from his lips.
Fucking Malcom.
Even from the grave, he was fucking with my life.
“What about that piece of shit.”
“Well,” Ram drawled, “Malcom West may be dead, but he still has a message for the Devil’s Knights.”
“Malcom can rot in hell. He can’t do anything more to the Devil’s Knights.”
Ram tipped his head to the side. “You know if you had shown that loyalty to the Sons of Sin, I wouldn’t have done things I did and am going to do.”
“Maybe the Sons of Sin should have shown some loyalty to me and each other. All you guys care about is yourselves. You shouldn’t even call yourselves a fucking motorcycle club.”
Ram tsked and shook his head. “You got some fucking balls, kid. A gun pointed at you, and you still can’t keep your goddamn mouth shut.”
“Because I don’t understand why the hell you’re pointing a gun at me. Was I fucking sunshine and rainbows about the Sons of Sin? Fuck no. But it wasn’t like you assholes rolled out the welcome mat for me. We had a party, but I learned quickly that if the wind blows, you guys think it’s a good reason to have a party.” The Sons of Sin were about partying, and that was it. A detail Brain had failed to mention to me before I joined.
“What the fuck did you want?” he spat. “If you would have just tried to be part of our club, none of this would be happening.”
I looked around the garage. “And what is it that is happening?” I asked.
“Brain was supposed to be the one to do all of this, but he fucked it up royally.”
Do what?
“I should have remembered that his road name was Brain because he didn’t have one.” Ram shook his head. “Fucking idiot. He had one fucking job, and he fucked it all up.”
“What are you talking about?”
Ram smiled. “How about we do a little story time?” he suggested.
If that meant I was going to figure out why I had a gun pointed at me, then I was all for storytime. “Give it to me.”
“Once upon a time, Brain had a friend named Malcom. They went to college together. Malcom pretty much went off the deep end, but Brain kept in touch with him.”
“How did Brain go to college if he didn’t have a brain?” I asked,
Ram shrugged. “I guess when he was younger was trying to help himself.” Ram cupped his hand to his mouth. “Spoiler alert, it didn’t fucking work. Anyway,” Ram drawled, “Brain didn’t hear from Malcom for a couple of years until he contacted Brain last year. Asked him if he could do him a favor.”
I couldn’t even guess what Ram was going to say next. Malcom, knowing Brain was already blowing my mind.
“Malcom struck up a deal with Brain. He asked him to get in touch with someone,” Ram pointed at me, “and get him to join the Sons of Sin.”
Why did Malcom want Brain to befriend me and join the Sons of Sin? “Why?” I demanded.