“Cake,” Luna, Meg, and Paige called in unison.
I guess any excuse for cake was a good one.
Luna’s phone rang and she put it to her ear. “Hello, handsome,” she called.
“I didn’t think I would ever see the day where Luna was calling anyone handsome besides a dog,” Paige giggled.
“I guess miracles really do happen,” Meg agreed.
“These two trays need to go out, and then we are sold out again.” That was two days in a row we had sold out of everything Blain and I could make.
“Let me get this one.” Paige picked up the tray with Nutella stuffed croissants and held open the back door.
I grabbed the tray of chocolate chip cookie sandwiches and stepped outside.
We made our way around the building with Meg trailing behind us.
“Have you ever thought of having your own food truck? Like a wagon filled with pastries you could take to craft fairs or farmers markets?”
I glanced over my shoulder at Meg. “If you would have asked me that two days ago, I would have told you that you were crazy. But now that I’ve seen how much bakery you can move in one, I am more than open to that idea.”
Meg pointed at me. “Girl, if you need someone to man that wagon for you, I am your woman.”
“You are on the payroll. I’ve seen you work, and I would love to find ten more just like you.” We made it to the food truck, and Greta met me at the door.
“Do not tell me these are filled.” Greta grabbed the tray and inhaled deeply. “Oh god, they’re filled with Nutella.”
“Girl,” Meg laughed. “Did you get a bionic sniffer when Bear knocked you up?”
Greta turned the tray toward Meg. “I wish, but I saw the Nutella oozing out of this one.” She set the tray in the truck and grabbed the one from Paige. “Oh,” she moaned, “you’re coming home with me.”
“Is she talking to the pastries now?” Paige whispered.
I shrugged and tucked my hair behind my ear. “It’s not that weird. I talk to my cakes when I’m decorating them.”
“Do you tell them they’re going to be pretty when you’re done with them?” Paige joked.
A laugh escaped my lips. “Something like that.” I pretty much talked to them like they were people. People that didn’t talk back.
“Reese!” Luna shouted. She ran around the side of the building with her phone pressed to her ear.
“What on earth is she running for,” Meg laughed. “I don’t think I’ve seen her move that fast since she was about seven years old.”
“Reese!” Luna screamed.
“What is it?” I called.
“They found her,” Luna called. “They found her!”
They found her.
“Found who?” Great asked.
“Kerry,” I whispered.
“Greta,” Meg scolded. “She’s talking about Reese’s friend.”
“Oh,” Greta gasped. “I think I already have pregnancy brain.”