I rolled my eyes and stabbed a ravioli. “You totally could tell what I was trying to say.”
“Right,” Zig drawled. “I’m getting to know you, darlin’, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to decode your mumbling like that.”
“Stick around, and I’m sure you’ll get there.”
Zig grabbed his beer and held it out to me. I grabbed my glass of milk, yes, milk, and clinked it against his. “To sticking around.”
Man, that sounded so good.
“Get there, darlin’.”
Reese dug her heels into the mattress and arched her back to me.
I slammed into her, and my thumb brushed back and forth over her clit. “Oh my god,” she gasped. I watched as her release washed over her, and she moaned my name.
I pounded into her, braced my hands on either side of her head, and my eyes clamped shut. “Yes,” I groaned.
Her pussy milked my dick, and my loaded exploded inside her. “Mine!” I shouted. The whole neighborhood would know that Reese was mine.
She wrapped her arms around me, and I collapsed on top of her.
“Whatever that thing was you did with your hips, don’t stop doing that,” she hummed.
I gathered her in my arms and rolled us over until I was on my back, and she was sprawled on top of me.
“I’ll remember that,” I sighed.
She laid her head on my chest and traced lazy circles with her finger. “Do you ever stop and think about how things happen?” she asked sleepily.
“Uh, what do you mean, darlin’?”
“Like you and me. How did we even happen? I couldn’t see it at the time, but if I look back now, I can see how we happened. How you were pretty grumpy and standoffish, but you came around. You were nicer and cared more. I wasn’t trying to push you away as much. We both just realized we were the right one for each other.”
“I guess you’re right, darlin’. We came into each other's lives when it was the right time. Not sooner, and not too late.” I pressed a kiss to her lips and laid my head on the pillow. “You wanna go again, or did I finally wear you out?”
Reese closed her eyes and sighed. “Give me a ten-minute nap, and then I’m all yours again. Running back and forth between the food truck and the bakery was a workout today.”
I reached for the lamp and turned it off. “Just sleep, darlin’, but know you’re mine in the morning.”
“I have to be there at six,” she mumbled.
Jesus Christ.
“You got your alarm set?”
She nodded sleepily.
“Then your ass is mine in the shower.”
She hummed softly. “Excellent.”
Chapter Twenty-Two