He shrugged and gave me a wink. “It’s just what I do, darlin’. Take care of you and turn shit days into good days.” He bowed slightly. “At your service.”
“A service you weren’t too willing to give me when we first me,” I laughed.
He grabbed my hand and raised it to his lips. He pressed a kiss to the back of my hand. “A mistake on my part. I was selfish and thought only of myself.”
“And now?”
“And now I think about my family, and you.”
I pressed a soft, gentle kiss to his lips. “I like the way you think.”
A smirk spread across his lips. “That’s because you’re mine, remember?”
I tapped my finger to my chin. “I think I might need some reminding.”
He quirked his eyebrow. “Tonight?” he asked.
I nodded and stepped back from him. “Tonight.”
Chapter Twenty
“You know, it was pretty fucking cool when Pie hooked up with Bristol, but now it’s fucking great that you managed to land a chick who owns her bakery.” Easy leaned against Mr. Weiner and folded his arms over his chest. “Now Bristol can cook us a kickass meal, and then Reese can have a huge mound of desserts for us.”
“Oh yeah?” I laughed. “You’re pretty sure that Bristol is going to cook for you and that Reese will bake for you?”
Easy held up the half-eaten cookie in his hand. “So far, so good.”
I pulled out a cigarette and popped it in the corner of my mouth. “How did your time with Ransom go yesterday?” I asked.
Easy shrugged. “I got a solid alibi, man. There isn’t a way in hell they can pin Kerry disappearing on me.”
“What’s your alibi?” I asked.
Easy smirked. “I was working the door at Sultry Knights until eleven, and then I hung around until the place closed at three thirty. I went back to the clubhouse and passed out until morning. King has twenty-four-seven surveillance on the clubhouse, and I hit about five different security cameras on the way home from the strip club. I would have to be The Flash for me to be able to kidnap Kerry, and still end up on all of the surveillance that I did.”
“So how in the hell did your prints get in her car.”
“That’s what’s fucking weird about it, Zig. I don’t know how it happened. I can tell you right now I have never in my life met this Kerry chick. I can remember every chick I have been with, and she is not one of them. Fuck, you can bet your ass I would remember driving her car or something. Someone is trying to make me take the blame for her disappearance, mark my word.”
Someone had to be pinning it on Easy, but why?
“You piss anyone off, lately?”
Easy shook his head. “Not anyone so bad that they would kill someone and then try to frame me for it.”
“You sleep with some ones ol’ lady?”
Easy chuckled. “Not that I know of.”
“You’re a fucking dog, man. You always gotta check that shit before you take them home.”
Easy shrugged. “I know, I know. But I don’t think this is some gilted boyfriend of something. You don’t kill someone, and then try to frame someone else when your girlfriend cheats on you.”
But it was someone.