What on earth was going on? Never in all my years had I sold so many pastries and bread in so few hours. “We only have a tray of chocolate chip and half a tray of mint chip left.”

“I’ll take them all,” Paige laughed. “Meg is catcalling all of these guys in, shaming them into buying treats for their wives or girlfriends. I tell you; it is a sight to see.”

I smiled wide. “Well, whatever she is doing, don’t stop her.” We would be sold out within the hour at the pace we were going.

I handed Paige the trays, and she gave me the sweetest smile. “Thank you,” she whispered.

She thanked me for a hell of a lot more than just giving her two trays of cookies. Before I had walked into Zig’s life, he hadn’t even been talking to his mom. Now she was back in his life, and things looked good between them.

I grabbed a bottle of water and wandered outside around the building.

Mr. Weiner’s bright red and yellow food truck sat smack dab in front of Layers Bakery, and there was a line down the block.

“Wow,” I whispered. If Kerry were here, she would be peeing her pants with excitement.

“There you are,” Zig called. “I was going to come and tell you to see what Meg and the girls are doing.” He walked toward me, and I tipped my head back to look at him.

“This is insane. You would think we were just giving away donuts with our line.”

“Pfft,” Zig scoffed. “If anything, Meg is charging more than she should. The till in the truck is overflowing.”

I smiled wide. “I don’t know how I will ever be able to repay you guys for this.”

Zig shook his head. “Nothing you need to repay us for. This is what the Knights do.”

I reached up and cupped his cheek. “Are you a Knight again?”

Zig glanced to the side and sighed. “I’ve always been one, darlin’. Even when I was with the Sons of Sin. I lost sight of what the Knights really stand for.”

“And now you remember?” I whispered.

“They stand for family. They stand for doing whatever it takes to keep the ones you love safe.” He sighed heavily. “I need to remember that when shit goes off the rails with them. They might not always follow the plan, but in the end they always win.”

“The Sons of Sin aren’t like that?” I already knew the answer, but I wanted to hear it from Zig.

“The Sons of Sin are a bunch of idiots. Brain had painted some grand picture of what it would be like to be a member, and they were all fucking lies.” Zig shook his head. “Everything I told him about the Knights I didn’t like, he told me the Sons were different.”

“But why would he do that?” I asked. Did they know what a good guy Zig was, and want him to be in their club?

Zig shrugged. “A fucking mystery I’ll never know the answer to, darlin’.” He reached up and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “Maybe a mystery that’s better left in the grave with Brain.”

I sighed and stretched up on my tiptoes. “I can’t be too mad at him. If you hadn’t of joined the Sons of Sin, I never would have met you.” I pressed a kiss to his lips, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“You are right about that, darlin’. Neither of us were looking for each other, but we still managed to find each other. I was just looking to ride the wind, and­–.”

“And I was just looking to bake all the cake.”

Zig cracked a smile and chuckled. “Yeah, Reese. I guess that is one way to put it.”

“So now we can ride the wind together, and when we’re done riding, we can have a cupcake or Bismarck. You provide the entertainment, and I’ll bring the sustenance.”

Zig closed one eye and winced. “Will ride for donuts?”

“Stop,” I laughed. “I’m the one who is supposed to make the lame jokes. Remember, I think cup holders on a motorcycle are cool.”

“Right, right,” Zig drawled. “I don’t think I will ever be able to forget that.”

I sighed and laid my hands on his chest. “How did you turn my horrible day into one that I will never forget?”