“Who did this?” I cried.
“It was probably some punk kids,” the officer interrupted. “We’ve had some vandalism in this area the past couple of weeks.”
Vandalism? This was someone’s idea of a good time?
Zig shifted next to me, and a feeling of dread settled over me.
Ransom glanced at me. We weren’t as naïve as the cop was. This was another coincidence that we couldn’t ignore. Maybe whoever had kidnapped Kerry found out Reese was trying to figure out who they were. This could be a message to stop, or worse; things could happen.
“Oh my god,” Reese cried. She sagged next to me, and I held her.
“Shh, darlin’. It’s going to be okay.”
She shook her head and buried her face in my neck.
“Let me talk to Ransom quick, darlin’,” I whispered.
Blain moved next to us. “I can take her inside. She should probably sit down.”
Reese moved into Blain’s arm, and he walked with her around the building.
I turned my back on the cop. “Talk to me,” I said low.
“You think this is just some kids having a little fun?”
I shook my head.
“Neither do I. This shit is too targeted. They would have hit this whole street, not just this place if it were vandalism.”
“That’s what I’m thinking, too.” I looked back at the cop. “We gonna clue this guy in, or just let him think what he wants?”
Ransom shrugged. “We don’t need to tell him anything. I’m going to look around and see if I can find any other evidence. Why don’t you make a few calls and see about someone coming to help clean this up.”
I nodded and pulled my phone from my pocket. “I’m gonna drag Zag’s ass out of bed. Only good thing about this.”
Ransom chuckled and shook his head. “That means you cleared things up with him.”
I shrugged and connected the call. “Yeah, but after this call, he might be pissed off at me all over again.”
Chapter Nineteen
Blain had taken me inside and tried to calm me down while Zig and Ransom did god knows what. I didn’t know what to think anymore. I couldn’t take much more of highs and lows. Even though Kerry was still missing, I was feeling more optimistic.
Not anymore.
I was in the middle of my freak out when Zig walked through the back door with Meg, Luna, and Paige trailing behind him.
“King, Demon, Zag, Bear, and Easy are out front boarding up the windows, and cleaning up the glass.” Zig motioned to Meg. “Meg has an idea to help out in the shop.”
Meg smiled brightly and wrapped me up in a hug. “The Jollies are here to make everything better, honey.”