Maybe Brain wasn’t as interested in Kerry as I thought. “Interesting.” I thought he would know what she did for a living if he was into her.
“I’m sure she’ll bring some cookies or shit. She always has something lying around from the bakery.” Brain shrugged. “I’m into her cookies, not the ones from the bakery.
Now that was something I could get down with. “Cake?” I would kill for a big slice of chocolate cake.
Brain chuckled. “This is the first time I have seen you even remotely interested in anything.”
Hey, I liked a good bakery treat. I could blame that on Meg. From an early age, I learned to appreciate good, quality food. Meg cooked like a five-star chef but also like your great-great-grandma.
She could do fancy as fuck, but also just some good home cooking. Her meals were one of the things that I was missing a ton.
“I like cake, man. I don’t think there are many people who don’t.”
Three members bellied up to the bar, and Brain wandered to the card tables.
Life was different with the Sons of Sin.
Hell, life was a fucking party with the Sons of Sin. Literally.
We hadn’t gone three days without a party. This club would have been fucking heaven when I was twenty-one. Now? Not so much.
Don’t get me wrong. I was up for a party, but I wasn’t up for a party every other fucking night. When everyone recovered from the previous party, we were already into our next one.
The Devil’s Knights had barely partied, and now the Sons of Sin were constantly partying.
I was looking for something in the middle of the two.
Two hours later, MW came over and took over bartending for me. The guy was a fucking idiot, but I was thankful for him reliving me. I poured a beer for myself and wandered out onto the back patio.
The hot tub to my left was filled with a few club members and three girls.
You couldn’t get me in that hot tub even if I were on fire, and that was the only water within ten miles.
No fucking way.
I had watched some freaky deeky shit go down in there, and I knew there was more than water cycling around in that water.
Teen feet off the brick patio, a large fire burned with Pyro and Doom feeding it wood. Two women were hanging around them, but Pyro and Doom were more interested in the fire.
Brain was to my right with a chick in his lap, and next to them was a woman curled up in a ball.
What in the fuck?
“Zig,” Brain called.
I wasn’t sure I wanted to be any part of what he was up to. The woman beside him didn’t move, and as I got closer, I saw her eyes were closed.
She was either drunk as a skunk or just straight-up sleeping.
“What’s up?” I called.
The woman in his lap turned at the sound of my voice. “Hi,” she called.
This chick did not look like she belonged in a place like this.
“Sup?” I murmured.
Brain tipped his chin to me. “You think you can keep an eye on Kerry’s friend for her?”