“Make her a malibu and pineapple.” Zig sat next to me and smiled.
“You’re back,” I gasped.
“Never left, darlin’. Just was in the body shop having my family yell at me.”
“Yell at you,” I gasped. That did seem very family like to do.
“Well, not exactly yell, but they were letting me know how mad they are.”
“Why?” I asked. “What did you really do, Zig?” Or had he really done anything? I know it seemed odd that he was a part of a different MC than the rest of his family, but maybe that was what he needed.
“Calm down, Reese. You don’t need to get upset.” Zig motioned to Snapper for a beer. “Things actually went better than I had hoped for.”
“Can you stop being so vague and just tell me what is going on with you and your family?” I demanded.
Snapper set the beer in front of Zig and a cocktail in front of me. “You in for pizza?” he asked.
Zig glanced at me. “Hungry?”
I didn’t know what the right answer was. At first it had seemed like his talk with his parents had gone well, but now he was asking me if I wanted to have pizza with his family. Well, the club, but they all seemed like family. “Um, if you are?” That seemed like a diplomatic answer.
He chuckled and nodded to Snapper. “We can stay for a few slices.”
“Zig and Reese are in,” Snapper hollered. He slid down the bar to grab drinks for the rest of the guys.
“Why is it this place feels so different from the Sons of Sin clubhouse?” I asked. They were pretty much set up the same with a huge room with various tables, pool table, and darts with a bar along one wall, but it felt different. It felt homier here.
“Because the Sons of Sin are pieces of shit who only care about themselves?” Zig shrugged and took a sip from his beer.
Zig had never talked that high of the Sons of Sin, but he had never straight out called them pieces of shit. “Why does it feel like I am missing so much information, Zig?”
He set his beer down and sighed. “Because you are, darlin’.”
I pursed my lips and wrapped my hands around my glass. “Care to fill me in while I drink this and wait for pizza?”
Zig sat back in stool and sighed. “Let’s get into story time, darlin’. Buckle up, it’s going to be a crazy one.”
Chapter Sixteen
“I’ll take you to get your car in the morning.”
I pouted out my lips. “That is why you plied me with drinks. I can’t drive now.”
“Two drinks are not plying you, darlin’. Most people can still drive after two.”
I rolled my eyes and grabbed the helmet from the handlebars of the bike. “Well, when I can count on one hand the amount of times I drink in a year on one hand, two drinks at one time are like ten. I think I had one too many hands in there.” I curled my lip. “I think that whole sentence was a mess.”
He chuckled and reached up to snap the strap under my chin. “I will remember that next time.”
“Is there going to be a next time?” I asked boldly.
His hands stilled under my chin. “Do you want there to be?” he asked softly.
“Well, yeah. I like you, even though you told me I shouldn’t like you because you won’t like me, and your family is pretty cool even though they were kind of jerks to you when you were trying to figure out what you wanted to with the club, but I think I can forgive them because they really just were trying to look out for you even though it was a little misguided.” I took a deep breath and smiled. “And Meg is really nice. She said my cake was the best she has ever had. It’s nice to hear that from people who are good bakers. They know what they are talking about.” I tipped my head to the side. “What was the question again?”