“Both,” Greta sang.

Meg jumped up and Cyn careened out of her chair.

“You’re what?” Meg demanded. “Does your mom know?”

“Does Bear know?” Cyn hoisted herself off the floor and brushed her hair from her face. “Let’s start there.”

“Yes, Bear knows,” Greta laughed. “He was there when it happened.” She winked and opened the fridge.

“Dear god,” Bristol cringed. “Not was he there when you did the deed, but was he there when you found out you were pregnant?”

“Yes, to both of those,” Greta laughed.

“Holy shit,” Meg laughed. “We’re going to be aunties!”

“Great aunties,” Cyn corrected her. “Which also makes us sound super freakin’ old.”

Meg dropped her arms to her side. “We are not old.”

“You guys should come up with a cool name instead of great aunties,” Greta suggested. “Like Jollies or something?”

Cyn blinked rapidly. “You want us to call ourselves Jollies, and then have your child call us that?”

Bristol and I busted out laughing.

“Come give your Jolly a kiss,” Meg mocked. Her face fell and she shook her head. “Not going to happen, girl. Think again.”

I cleared my throat and tried to get a handle on my laughing. “You could be Jolly Meg, or Jolly Cyn.”

“Ha!” Greta shouted. “I think you just killed me. Jolly Meg.”

“Maybe you should just stick with Aunt Meg, and drop the great?” Bristol suggested. “I think anything you guys come up with is not going to be okay with Bear or any of the other guys.”

“What does Kane call you?” I asked. From what I understood, he was the only baby born so far from Zig’s cousins.

“He doesn’t call us anything,” Cyn laughed. “We just say our name when we talk to him.” She reached out and pinched Meg’s cheeks. “Cyn-Cyn loves you, Kane-Kane.”

Meg knocked Cyn’s hands from her face and rubbed her cheeks. “What is wrong with you?” she laughed. “You could have said that without pinching the hell out of my face.”

Cyn shrugged. “The physical motion drives the point home.” She reached out again for Meg’s cheeks, but Meg ducked to the right.

“Stop it,” she scolded. “I swear to god. I’m supposed to be the crazy one, not you. You’re the crazy one’s best friend.”

Cyn shrugged and sat back down. “Eh, whatever. You could say your crazy has worn off on all of us.”

“True that,” Greta called. “I can only imagine how crazy my baby is going to be.”

Luna walked into the common room and her jaw dropped. “Baby?” she whispered.

“Oh shoot,” Greta sobbed. “I was going to tell you tonight when we went out for pizza.”

“We’re going out for pizza?” Luna asked.

Greta shut the fridge. “Uh, well, I was going to ask you to come for pizza when I saw you.”

“You’re having a baby?” Luna cried.

Greta nodded and her face crumpled. “Bear knocked me up. You ready to be an auntie for the second time?”