Ransom shook his head. “Pie was the one who had grabbed it. We didn’t find a single print from him, though.”
“How the hell does that make sense?” King asked.
“Uh, well,” Pie cleared his throat. “I always wear gloves when I pick up cars. You never know what the hell you are going to come in contact with.”
Bear pointed at Pie. “Now that shit is smart.”
“If only all of you were that smart.” King glared at Easy. “What the fuck were you doing in her car?”
“I wasn’t in her car,” Easy exclaimed. “The closest I got to that thing was when Pie brought it in.”
“How close was that?” Bear asked.
“Not close at all. I saw him pull into the yard with it, and then the next time I went outside, the thing was gone. I was not in that fucking car.” Easy raised his hand in the air. “I swear on my mom, bro, I did not get in that car, or have anything to do with that chick going missing.”
“None of this makes sense,” Luna sighed. “If Easy was so careless with leaving his prints in the car, then he would have left some on the outside when he got in. The door handle at least.”
Ransom shook his head. “The only DNA or prints we found on the outside is from Kerry.”
“Then Easy’s prints must have been planted there,” I assumed. That had to be the only reason why his prints were there. It wasn’t like Kerry hung out at every clubhouse in a fifty-mile radius. As far as Reese had told me, Kerry only hung out with Brain from the Sons of Sin.
“Well, that is what we are thinking, too, but we are going to have to bring him in for questioning.” Ransom nodded to Easy. “We need to get your alibi for the night Brain and Kerry died and went missing.”
“My alibi,” Easy scoffed. “I don’t need a fucking alibi because I didn’t have a damn thing to do with either of those two. I didn’t know who either of them was until that car showed up here.”
Ransom shrugged. “Then you shouldn’t have a problem coming to the station with me.”
King held up his hand. “Is he under arrest?”
Ransom shook his head. “Not yet. We just want to ask a few questions down at the station.”
“Ransom,” Luna called.
Ransom shook his head. “Don’t look at me like that, Luna. I let you live your life with the club, so now you need to let me do my job. I’m working this case, and the evidence at the moment is leading me down this path.”
This was fucking crazy.
Was Ransom really thinking that Easy had something to do with Kerry’s disappearance?
“Kerry never mentioned Easy,” Reese interrupted. “Brain was the only biker guy she ever talked about.”
Ransom held up his hands. “The prints in her car say different.” He nodded to Easy. “Come down to the station, and hopefully we can figure this all out.”
“Fucking hell,” Easy muttered. He pushed back his chair and stood. “It better be a few questions, and then I leave.”
“Hopefully. Unless you drop some huge fucking bombshell, you’ll be back at the clubhouse in an hour.” Ransom agreed.
Easy walked out with Ransom and Bear behind him.
“Is this shit for real?” Hero asked. “How the hell is one of our guys being pinned for this chick’s disappearance?”
King sat back in his chair and ran his fingers through his hair. “I need to fucking retire. You guys are going to seriously put me in an early grave.”
“Same, brother,” Rigid agreed.
Easy’s dad, stood. “I’m going to follow behind to the station. I know Ransom is yours Luna, but I don’t trust a cop any further than I can throw them.”
Luna held up her hands. “That’s your prerogative. I know Ransom is just doing his job.”