Frost smugly glanced at Luna. “I guess you’re the only one who didn’t mute their phone.”
“I guess you’re the only who didn’t mute their phone,” she mocked. “You can kiss my ass, Frost.”
Reese leaned into me. “It doesn’t seem like anyone really likes each other,” she whispered softly.
I couldn’t help but smile. As someone looking in from the outside, you would think that the club didn’t like each other. It was actually the complete opposite. Everyone just had a really odd way of showing it.
Sarcasm was a love language of sorts around the clubhouse.
“Uh, you’re wrong. It’s hard to see, but everyone really cares about each other.”
“Strange way to show it,” she mumbled.
A knock sounded on the door, and Reese jumped.
“It’s just Ransom,” I chuckled.
Ransom walked into church with a file in his hands and Bear on his heels.
“Are those two always together?” she asked.
I shrugged. “I mean, not really, but also yes. Ransom and Bear used to be cops together in Denver. Ransom stayed with police work when he moved to Rockton, but Bear decided to catch bad guys a different way.”
Rigid leaned into Reese. “He’s a bounty hunter, and I can hear every word you are saying.” He winked at Reese. “And everyone is just a bunch of sarcastic assholes, but we don’t really mean anything that we say.”
Reese gasped and clutched her hand to her chest. “Uh, okay?”
Ransom stared at Reese and cleared his throat.
“What is going on?” King asked. “I hope you have some good information if you’re barging into church without an invitation from me.”
Ransom pushed his sunglasses on top of his head. “I know you think I enjoy coming to your little meetings, but I would rather be doing my job then being here.”
“That’s cause Luna just tells him everything we say,” Hero mumbled.
“Just fucking get to it,” King growled.
Ransom opened the folder in is hand. “The DNA from Kerry’s car came back. There was no trace of anyone else on the outside of the car expect for Kerry.”
“Thank god you barged in her like you’re god to tell us that,” Pie laughed.
“The inside is a different story.” Ransom cleared his throat. “There were a few different DNAs and trace fingerprints on the passenger seat, but nothing that could lead us back to someone who would have harmed her.”
“Most likely just people she had given rides to,” Bear explained.
“What about the driver’s side or even the backseat?” King asked.
“The driver’s side tells a whole different story.” He glanced at Bear. “There was one set of DNA on the passenger side, and two sets of fingerprints.”
“Well, get to it,” Hero grumbled. “Who’s were there?”
“Kerry,” Ransom glanced at King. “And Easy’s.”
“What?” Easy jumped up and slammed his hands on the table. “What the hell do you mean my fingerprints are in her car? I haven’t even met the chick before or been in her car.”
Ransom shrugged. “Your prints are on the steering wheel and the seat belt.”
“Who picked up the car?” I asked. Easy’s prints could have easily been in the car if he had been the one to pick it up with the car hauler.