Reese raised her hand.
Ridge shook his head, and Hero chuckled.
King nodded to Reese. “You’re free to speak, babe.”
“Why do people think they need to raise their hand before they speak when they come in here?” Easy laughed. “Fucking cracks me up every time.” He motioned to Reese. “No offense though.”
Reese moved uneasily in her chair. “Uh, sure. I guess I should be the one to give you the details. Zig is a part of this because of me.”
“Been there,” Hero, Pie, and Zig laughed in unison.
King growled.
Yeah, nothing had changed.
Reese cleared her throat. “So, my friend Kerry talked me into going to a party at the Sons of Sin clubhouse.”
“First mistake,” Luna murmured.
“And she took off with a guy named Brain she had been seeing. I fell asleep in a chair outside, and Zig sat with me to make sure I was safe.”
“Wait, your friend just left you with this guy?” Pie hitched his thumb at me.
“Like, left you without you even knowing she had left you?” Luna asked. “And you called this woman your friend?”
“Yes,” I growled. I could give Reese crap about Kerry, these guys could not.
“That’s not really the main part.” Reese glanced at me. “Zig made sure I made it home, and then when I went to work the next morning, Kerry never showed up. Or the next day. I went to the police station to file a police report, but they didn’t do much because she’s a grown woman who probably just took off without telling anyone, which isn’t against the law.”
“They didn’t even do a welfare check?” King asked.
Reese shook her head. “They did go to her apartment, but she didn’t answer. They had no reason to forcefully enter, so they didn’t.”
“That’s a bunch of BS. You would think the cops would want to check on people to make sure they are safe. Not just do a little knock, and then leave.” Pie glanced at Luna. “Your man punk out like that?”
Luna flipped him off. “Sit and spin, dipshit.”
“Anyway,” Reese called. “When the police didn’t help me, I thought about talking to Brain about Kerry. See when the last time he saw her was, and everything. I didn’t really know Brain, so I asked to talk to Zig to get my foot in the door. Once I convinced Zig to help me, he found Brain dead in his room.”
“Bullet between the eyes,” I added.
“That’s when Ransom got involved. I told him about Kerry, and he saw that it was more than a coincidence that Kerry was missing, and Brain was dead.”
“Brain killed Kerry,” Hero assumed.
“But then who killed Brain?” Pie asked.
Luna shook her finger in the air. “Or maybe Kerry killed Brain, and now she is on the run?”
“We don’t know,” I interrupted. “Ransom is hitting a dead-end. The car isn’t telling them anything, and nothing else is.”
“What about your club?” Frost asked. “Aren’t they trying to figure out who killed one of their members? It obviously wasn’t suicide.”
I sighed heavily. “That is why Reese and I are here. The Sons of Sin aren’t’ doing anything about finding Brain’s killer. Or at least, if they are, they aren’t’ telling me because I’m just a prospect for the moment.”
“Bummer,” Pie chuckled. “You couldn’t pay me a million dollars to be a prospect again. Fuck no.”
“Same,” Frost, Hero, Zag, and called in unison.