Brisk and MW were fucking idiots. Having my name in the same sentence as those two was almost insulting. “Brisk and MW are just fucking low,” I growled.
Brain shook his head. “I get what you are feeling, brother, but you gotta stop bitching about it. Keep it up, and you know you’re going to get a new road name. You were damn lucky to be able to keep the one you had. Everything you are doing is not up to norms that would happen in your situation.”
“That’s because Ram wanted to keep things civil with King.”
Brain shrugged. “You are not wrong, brother, but don’t think that means you are going to get an easy pass.”
I didn’t want an easy pass. I just wanted... Fuck. I didn’t know what the hell I wanted. I hadn’t known for the past few years what I wanted from the club anymore.
I wanted the brotherhood and family, but the lines of the club being the governing authority blurred when family was involved. The club was pushed aside when someone was in danger or hurt. Decisions were made by one instead of the whole club.
Zag was the final straw for me.
We all agreed to keep him safe. Him alone.
Tess had no connection to the club.
She had more of a connection to Malcom than to any of us.
But Zag still put his neck on the line to keep her safe. He didn’t think of the club at all when it came down to it. He thought only about himself and what he wanted.
That wasn’t brotherhood.
That wasn’t what an MC was about.
What was the point of being in an MC when you were still on your own at the end of the day?
“I don’t want an easy pass.” I just wanted to fast forward through this next year and get to where I was a full member. Being a prospect sucked major donkey balls.
“You just need to get more friendly with the rest of the guys,” Brain reasoned. “You’ve only been here for a couple of weeks, but all you do is stay in the background or hide in your room.”
“Isn’t that what a prospect is supposed to?” I was going off what would happen at the Devil’s Knights. Granted, when I was a prospect over there, so what half of the club.
“Bro, I don’t get you. It’s like you want to be here, but you don’t want to do any of the work you know you need to do.”
I could tell that Brain was getting fed up with me. Hell, I’m pretty sure the whole club was. I needed to suck it up and just put in my time. I pasted a smile on my face and grabbed two shot glasses. “I’m actually good, man. I guess I needed to be a whiny bitch for a little bit.” I grabbed a bottle of tequila and filled each glass. I slid one toward Brain.
He grabbed the glass and clinked it against mine. “You’re gonna be just fine here, Zig. Just gotta weather the next few months.”
I nodded as if everything was fine and shot back the shot.
“Damn,” Brain wheezed. “I can tell that is some cheap fucking tequila.” He winced and washed back the shot with the rest of his beer.
Cheap was right. I drank better booze when I was sneaking booze in high school. “Your girl show up tonight?” I asked. I grabbed his empty glass and dropped it into the sink.
Brain shook his head. “Not yet, and she’s not my girl,” he grunted.
I shook my head. “Really?” He talked about some chick named Kerry all of the time, but she wasn’t his? That was some bullshit. I hadn’t met her yet, but he seemed to sneak her over at night and not bring her around the rest of the club too much.
“Nah, man. I’m trying to keep my options open for the time being. She’s pretty cool, though.”
I had heard the guys in the Devil’s Knights talk the same way before. Brain was as good as gone when it came to Kerry, but he wasn’t ready to admit it. “But she’s coming?”
Brain shrugged. “I mentioned the party to her. We’ll see if she shows up or not. She said she would try to get her boss to come with her.”
I wrinkled my brow. “She was going to bring her boss to a party at the clubhouse. What kind of boss does she have?” The Sons of Sin clubhouse was not precisely the first place I would think of to bring someone's boss to.
“Something with a bakery.” Brain shrugged. “We don’t really talk much about her work.”