“Do you think Kerry is still alive?”

“Right to the point?” She sighed heavily and tucked her hair behind her ear. “I don’t know if Kerry is dead or not. I hope she’s not, but the more time goes by without any trace of her, I have to assume that something bad happened to her.” She grabbed a spoon and pointed it at me. “Now it’s my turn again, right?”

I nodded and finished my beer. “New questions only, though.”

She rolled her eyes and opened a drawer filled with silverware. “Do you think Brain had anything to do with her disappearing?”

That was a tricky question because I didn’t know. “I only knew the guy for a few months before I joined the Sons of Sin, but I wouldn’t peg him as a guy who goes around killing women.”

“Do you think you know who killed him?”

“I thought we were taking turns asking each other questions?”

Reese flitted her hand at me. “I had a two-part question that counts as one.”

“That so?” I shook my head and laughed. “I don’t know who would kill Brain, Reese. He was the only guy I talked to in the club, but it wasn’t like he was attached to my hip. The guy had a life I didn’t know about. I don’t think he killed Kerry, and I don’t know who would kill him.”

Reese gasped loudly. “Maybe Brain and another person killed Kerry, and then that other person killed Brain because Brain was going to go to the police?” She clasped her hand over her mouth. “Maybe it is someone else from the club?”

“You just think of that?” I asked.

Reese pursed her lips. “Yeah, pretty much. I had thought that someone from the club had killed Brain, but them also killing Kerry just popped into my head. I can't ignore that Kerry disappearing and Brain being murdered so close together is a coincidence. I just can’t.”

“I mean, that could be what happened, but I don’t know, darlin’.”

“Maybe we should talk to some of the guys from the Sons of Sin?” she suggested. ‘Maybe try to feel them out.”

And this is where Reese needed me to bring her back to reality. “We can’t go around asking the member of the Sons of Sin if they killed Brain, Reese. There is some shit you don’t do when it comes to an MC, and that is one of them.”

“Why not? You should be able to ask questions.”

I rolled my eyes. “I guess you’re right, but you’re forgetting I’m a prospect.”

“Well, when are you going to be done with that? A week or so?”

I chuckled. “Try a year or so, darlin’. You don’t go from prospect to member in a matter of days.”

“Then how are we going to ask people questions if you can’t say anything because you are a prospect? Who can we ask to go and ask the Sons of Sin questions?”

The police were the first thing that came to mind, but I shot it down without saying anything to Reese. We needed someone that wasn’t on the right side of the law. “Uh, well.”

“Yeah?” she coaxed. “I can tell you know who we could ask to help.”

Son of a bitch. The Devil’s Knights could help Reese, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to ask them.

King and the Knights could more than help, but I had to figure out if my pride could take asking them for help. I would pretty much have to go to them with my tail between my legs and ask them to spy on the club I had left them for.

Humbling indeed.

“We could talk to King and see if he could help.”

“Your uncle?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I know he talked to the Sons of Sin when I joined them. He might be able to talk to Ram one-on-one better than I could because they’re both prez of their clubs.” Was I really going to ask the Devil’s Knights for help?

Reese’s eyes got large, and she smiled slightly. “You would do that for me?”

Son of a bitch. I didn’t want to, but my words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. “Anything for you, darlin’.”