I stepped through the door and followed her into the living room and kitchen.
“This is a nice place,” I commented.
“Thanks. I’ve been here a few years.” We stopped at the kitchen island, and I looked at a half-decorated cake. “This is what I was in the middle of,” she explained.
“You bake at work, and then come home and bake?” I asked. That was fucking crazy.
“It’s for my neighbor. She’s turning seventy tomorrow, and her daughter called me frantically on my way back from Rockton and asked me if I could make a cake for tomorrow.”
“And you said yes,” I guessed.
“You would be correct.”
“I can help however you want, darlin’, but I don’t think I’ll be a good help.”
Reese laughed and shook her head. “I don’t need your help with the cake.” She turned and nodded to the sink. “I could use your help with all the cake dishes, though. One of the perks of owning a bakery is that I have someone to do the dishes for me. When I’m home, it’s all on me.”
“That’s what you meant when you said sponge,” I chuckled.
“Did you think I needed help with a sponge bath or something?” she laughed lightly.
That would have been a hell of a lot better than doing a sink full of dishes. “I mean, it did cross my mind.”
She shook her head and turned back to the cake. “Nope, no sponge bath. Just you, a sponge, and some dish soap.”
Was I really going to do her damn dishes for her? I should just leave. Make some excuse that I needed to get back to the clubhouse and take off.
I didn’t.
I took off my cut and draped it over the back of one of the stools at the island. “Do I get a beer or something after doing your dirty work?”
She laughed. “I mean, if that’s the only incentive you need to do the dishes, then yes. You can even have two if you want.”
She at least had the water made and dishes soaking. I may have grown up in an MC, but that didn’t mean my mom didn’t make me do chores. I just didn’t do them often now.
“So, what was Kerry’s car like?” I asked. “Was it wrecked or anything?” I turned to the side and leaned against the sink.
Reese grabbed a metal spatula and focused on the cake in front of her. She spun it slowly and swiped the spatula along the side of the cake. “Uh, no. Unless you think the plates missing and the VIN number scratched off wrecked.”
That did not sound good. Whoever ditched the car did not want it to be traced back to Kerry. “Anything else?”
“You mean anything else like me finding out you have a twin?” She propped her hand on her hip and glared at me. “I thought I had entered some alternate universe when they said his name was Zag, and he looked just like you.”
“You met Zag?” Jesus, I hadn’t really thought about her meeting any of the guys from the club, especially Zag. I hadn’t spoken to him in weeks. Things had changed between us, and I didn’t know if they would ever go back to the way that they were.
“I did. I made a fool of myself, too.”
“What’d you do?” I laughed.
“I rambled my way through telling them about Brain and Kerry, but I botched the hell out of it.” She closed her eyes. “I also told him his name is Zig, not Zag like he didn’t know his own name.”
“Darlin’,” I laughed.
“I looked like a fool, Zig. You should have told me you had a twin brother that looks exactly like you.”
“So you’re saying when I meet someone knew I should just blurt out that I have a twin brother?”
Reese rolled her eyes. “Well, no, not right away, but I think that should be information you should divulge at some point.”