Hopefully, with her car being found, she would be soon, too.
I freakin’ hoped so.
Chapter Twelve
Get on your bike and get your ass back to the clubhouse.
I ignored the loud voice in my head and walked up the steps to Reese’s front door.
I raised my hand and rapped loudly.
This was a dumb idea, but I was here.
Ever since Ransom had called me this afternoon, I hadn’t been able to get Reese out of my mind. She had been on the edges of my mind for the past few days, but now she was front and center.
I knew how desperate she was to find her friend, and something inside me had me knocking on her door to make sure she was okay. If they had found Kerry’s car, but Kerry wasn’t in it, she might not have gotten good news.
The front door opened a crack. “What are you doing here?” Reese called.
I didn’t fucking know.
“You told me you would forget where I lived,” she continued.
I shrugged and ran my fingers through my hair. “I guess I forgot to forget.”
She pulled the door open a few more inches. “So why did you forget to forget?”
“Uh, Ransom called me today and told me they had found Kerry’s car.”
“Was it her car?” I asked.
Reese nodded.
“Was she in it?”
Reese shook her head. “She wasn’t in it, but her purse and phone were.”
That was not a good sign. “Are you okay?”
She shrugged and leaned against the door. “I’m as good as can be.”
“Can I come in?”
“Um, I’m in the middle of something.”
It was eight thirty on a Wednesday night. What in the hell could she be in the middle of? “Something I can help with?” What in the fuck was I doing? She had just given me the opportunity to get the hell out of here. I came here to find out if she was okay; she said she was, so now my ass needed to get back on my bike.
“Are you good with a sponge?” she asked.
I tipped my head to the side. “Uh, well, I think so?”
She stepped away from the door and pushed it open. “Then come on in.”