“They’re technically not identical, but they sure as fuck look like it.” Luna crossed her arms over her chest. “If you look closely, you can tell Zag is a douche and Zig is a dipshit.”

Hero sputtered. “Damn, Luna. You’re not pulling any punches today.”

“Does she ever?” Ransom mumbled.

“I used to like Zig until he took off.” Luna shrugged. “Now he’s a dipshit.”

“Shut it,” King grunted. “Just one fucking time, I wish you dumbasses would keep your mouths shut.”

“I love when they do this,” Bear whispered. “It’s like a fucking show.”

“Why the hell do I need to keep my mouth shut?” Hero asked. “I didn’t say anything stupid. If I had, I would have said Zag was a dipshit.”

“You just did,” Zag and Luna said in unison.

I was still reeling from the fact that Zig had a twin who was in a different MC. Hell, it seemed like his whole family was in a different MC from him. How did that happen?

“Zig on the way over?” King asked Ransom.

Ransom shook his head. “I called him, but he said he’s not a part of this.”

“I thought you said she was with him when you went on your call at the Sons of Sin,” Luna questioned.

“She was, but they’re not together.” Ransom nodded to me. “Ask her for yourself.”

King, Zag, Luna, and Hero all stared at me.

I cleared my throat and tried not to sound like an idiot. “Uh, I’m not with Zig. His dead friend was with my now missing friend, and we just happened to meet when my missing friend took off with his dead friend while I was sleeping in the backyard of the Sons of Sin clubhouse.” And I managed to sound like an idiot.

“Did anyone else get lost the second time she mentioned the dead friend?” Hero asked.

Zag raised his hand. “That would be my dumbass.”

“We met, but we’re not together. I haven’t seen or talked to him for a few days. No plans to either.”

Luna raised her eyebrow. “Interesting.”

It felt like this was my time to leave. I had let Ransom know the car was Kerry’s, and now I was ready to go. “Uh, I think I will get going, though.” I turned to Ransom. “Please let me know when you find out anything about Kerry.”

Ransom nodded. “Will do, Reese. It might be a couple of days before I know much more.”

I would be waiting by the phone until he called.

I nodded to Bear. “I hope Greta likes everything you picked out for her.”

Bear smiled. “If there is anything left by the time she gets off work.”

I rolled my eyes and waved lamely at Zag-Not-Zig, King, Hero, and Luna. “Uh, it was nice meeting you all.”

They gave me a variety of chin lifts and nods.

“What did Bear get Greta?” I heard Luna ask as I slipped into my car. I slammed my door and started my car. I watched Ransom and Bear pull out the large pink boxes filled with pastries and donuts. They set them on the hood of Ransom’s cruiser and flipped the lids back.

I couldn’t hear anything, but I could tell they were oohing and ahhing over everything.

I loved watching people enjoy my hard work. It made it all worth it in the end.

If only Kerry could have been in my car with me to witness the cop, bounty hunter, and bikers enjoying everything.