“No, nothing is spilling out of it.” Ransom glanced over his shoulder at me. “You know what color her purse was?”
Oh god. I tried to picture her walking into Layers every morning. “Uh, I think she had two. One is white with fringe, and the other was just black with a few pockets.”
“The black one is on the floor.”
Oh, Kerry. Where in the hell were you?
“Incoming,” Bear softly called.
Ransom backed out of the car and looked over the roof at four bikers and a woman headed over to the car.
“Still weird seeing her in that cut,” Bear laughed. He leaned against Ransom’s cruiser he had parked next to Kerry’s car.
“I heard that,” the woman called.
“Do you have to piss her off like that?” Ransom groaned. “For one day, I would love not to have to threaten to beat your or one of the guy's asses.”
Bear shrugged. “Luna is feisty. She makes it fun to pick on her.”
So this was the famous Luna Zig and Ransom had talked about.
The four people stopped in front of Kerry’s car, and I couldn’t take my eyes off one of the guys.
Was that Zig?
Wasn’t he a member of the Sons of Sin? The only knowledge I had about MCs had been from Sons of Anarchy, and while that was limited, I was pretty sure you couldn’t be a member of two MCs at the same time. Seemed like a big no-no.
“Find anything out?” an older guy asked.
Ransom shrugged. “Possibly. We can’t really know until we get the car processed. Reese did confirm that this is Kerry’s car. The sticker on the back window matches what Kerry had.”
The older guy nodded to me. “I’m King.”
“King is Zig’s uncle. Ransom took over the introductions. “That’s Luna, and then Hero and Zag.”
Was I in an alternate universe?
Zag nodded to me, and my jaw dropped.
“Something wrong?” King asked.
Ransom chuckled. “She had no clue about Zag.”
Bear smirked and shook his head. “I was hoping for this.”
“Zig,” I blurted. “You have to mean Zig.” They just had to be saying his name wrong, right? How was this guy Zag, but looked just like Zig?
Hero glanced at Zag. “Or you’ve been messing around on Tess.”
Zag flipped off Hero. “Like I have fucking time for that, or even want to.” He curled his lips and shook his head.
“What in the world is going on?” I demanded. All I thought I was doing was help identify Kerry’s car, but now I was staring at a guy who looked like Zig but wasn’t Zig.
Thankfully King decided to put me out of my confusing misery. “Zag is Zig’s twin brother, babe. Luna and Hero are his cousins.”
I blinked slowly.