A few of the guys had cleaned up his room after the ME had hauled off his body, then it was like nothing happened.

“You don’t care who killed Brain?” I asked.

Ram shook his head. “No. He probably had his hands in some shit he shouldn’t have, and he got what was coming to him.”

“But you don’t even know that,” I pushed back. “There is a murderer out there, and you don’t fucking care.”

Ram shrugged. “I don’t care because I know that I’m not doing anything that will get a bullet between my eyes.”

I had to be careful of what I said. I was still a prospect, after all. I had been hopeful that I wasn’t hearing anything about Brain’s killer because I was just a prospect, but that wasn’t the truth. I wasn’t hearing anything about Brain’s killer because there wasn’t anything going on.

Ram and the Sons of Sin didn’t care that he was dead, and the Brayton police department didn’t care either.

What the hell kind of MC was this that didn’t care that one of their brothers was murdered in the damn clubhouse? Fucking hell. There had been a murderer here, and no one cared.

“No one is curious how it happened? Or how we didn’t hear it happen?”

Ram grunted. “No one cares, Zig. You stick your nose out trying to find his killer, and you’re bound to get your head cut off.”

That was the warning he had for me? Ask about Brain’s murder, and I was going to get married? Hell, that was more of a threat.

I had somehow come from a club that was constantly helping everyone to one that didn’t even care when one of the members died.

What the hell had I signed up for?

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out to see Ransom calling me.

Maybe he would be able to tell me something about Brain’s murder. My prez sure as hell wasn’t any help.

I connected the call and pressed the phone to my ear. “Yo.”

“You busy?” Ransom asked.

I glanced at Ram. “No.” Ram wasn’t worth my time if he was going to nothing about Brain.

“I got your girl following me to Knights Garage?”

He what? “Hold on,” I muttered. I moved down the hallway to my room and closed the door behind me.

“You there?” Ransom called.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m here. What the hell are you talking about you have my girl?” I didn’t have a girl. Never really had, and sure as shit didn’t have one now.


Fucking hell. I knew I hadn’t seen the last of her. “She’s not my girl.”

“Whatever the fuck you want to call her, brother,” Ransom laughed. “I was just calling to tell you she was heading to the garage.”

I legit didn’t know what the fuck Ransom was walking about. “Why the hell are you guys heading to the garage?” I asked.

“The Knights found her car, and they have it at the garage,” Ransom explained.

“Why the hell isn’t it at the impound?”

“Because you know Rigid and Brayton police have beef. King isn’t going to do anything for that asshole. We’ve got about an hour before the tow truck from Brayton gets to Rockton.”

I was still pretty clueless. “But why the hell do you want Reese to go to her car? Is her friend there or something?”