“A dark green Taurus.”
Ransom picked up his donut and took a bite.
“That’s the car we have at Knights Garage.”
“Knights Garage? Where is that?”
Ransom set down his donut and licked his finger. “Garage over in Rockton. It’s sitting there waiting for a tow.”
Bear chuckled. “I still find it funny as fuck that King told the cops to get fucked when they ask him to tow it to Brayton.”
“That’s because the police chief here popped Rigid for expired tags ten years ago. The judge took him to the fucking cleaners. The Devil’s Knights do not like Brayton.”
“Why don’t we wait until the car gets towed here?” I asked. None of this was registering with me.
“Because the sooner I get a positive ID on Kerry’s car, the sooner I can figure out where the hell she is. This could be the break we are looking for if this is her car.”
I pulled the tie on my apron and pulled it over my head. “Then what are we standing around here for? Let’s go see the car.” If my saying that the car was hers meant, we would be closer to finding her; then I was ready to go.
“Uh, can you leave?” Bear asked. “Who is going to make and sell all the good shit?”
Ransom held up the rest of his donut. “You and I will buy out the rest of her case, and then she can close up shop.”
Bear smiled wide. “Right on, brother. I like the way you think.” Bear looked around. “You got a big ass box or something, babe?”
“You don’t have to buy everything. Blain can take care of the counter. He’s doing it right now.”
Ransom finished his donut. “Let me rephrase that. We’ll buy you out, so you might as well close up now.”
Bear pushed through the swinging doors and hollered for Blain to box everything up.
“You don’t have to do this,” I sighed.
Ransom balled up the napkin I had put the donuts on and tossed it in the garbage can. “I don’t do anything because I have to, sweetheart. I’m a cop, and I do the right thing. Your friend is missing, and it’s my job to help find her.”
“But this isn’t even your job. You’re only in Brayton because we don’t have enough cops.”
Ransom shrugged. “Just means even more that this is where I’m meant to be. Luna hates that I’m hiking my ass to Brayton, but she gets it.”
“I’m gonna owe Luna a lot, aren’t I?”
Ransom chuckled. “Probably, but I’m pretty sure you can just pay her with oatmeal raisin cookies and donuts. She’ll be more than happy with that as compensation.”
I laughed and motioned to the swinging door. “Let’s get that big box Bear wanted to be filled up, and then we can go check out Kerry’s car.”
Hopefully, we will have more answers and fewer questions.
Chapter Ten
“Come again?”
Ram popped the top on his beer and chugged back half of it. He lowered the can and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “I said I don’t care.”
“You don’t care who killed Brain?” I had to be hearing him wrong. It had been four days since Brain’s death, and not one damn thing had been done to try to figure out who had killed him.