

Chapter Nine


“Your change is two seventy, and please take a flier.” I nodded to the stack of fliers on the counter next to the tip jar. Kerry’s pretty face was plastered on each piece of paper, along with her description and a plea to help find her.

It had been five days since she had disappeared, and there was still no trace of her.

I had left multiple messages with Detective Ransom, and he did return each and every one, but he always had the same answer for me.


Kerry had just disappeared into thin air, and no one could find her.

Kerry, her phone, her purse, and her car were just gone.

Did she just decide to run away and start a new life?

Did someone abduct her?

The possibilities of what had happened to her were constantly going through my mind, and none of them were great.

“Hey,” Blain called as he walked out through the swinging doors. “Jill said she just left the copy place and made another five hundred fliers.”

Jill had been making fliers since she heard that Kerry was missing. I had tried to contact the news, but so far, I hadn’t gotten a call back from them. “Good. The stack at the counter is getting low. I also plan on hanging some after work.”

“Jill and I will help you.” Blain wiped his hands on his apron and smiled sadly. “We’re going to find her, Reese.”

God, I hoped so.

Each day that went by made my hope dwindle a little bit, though.

“Shawna and Taz from the bookstore are going to come, too.”

The bell above the door jingled, and a mountain of a man walked through with Detective Ransom behind him.

“Oh no,” I whispered. I craved to find out information about Kerry, but I also didn’t want any information because I was afraid it would be news.

Ransom was wearing dark wash jeans, a black button-down shirt, tan boots, and a gun at his hip. He pushed his sunglasses on top of his head and glanced around.

The man with him was almost half of a foot taller, bearded, and wearing a black and white flannel button-down. He also had a gun at his hip, but he didn’t look like he had that gun because he was a cop. His gaze was directly on the bakery case.

Ransom was good-looking, while his friend was rough around the edges but in a very, very good way.

“Fuck,” his friend growled when they reached the bakery case. It was half empty, but there was still an impressive array of pastries and cupcakes. “You know I can’t walk out of here without bringing something home to Greta.”

“Hell,” Ransom laughed. “Luna told me I’m not allowed in the house unless I have a cake and some pastries with me. She looked this place up before I left.”

“Then you know I need to bring Greta something. Luna will tell her I was here, and then there will be all hell to pay.”

I cleared my throat and moved behind the case. “Hello, Detective.” I wanted to ask him directly what he was doing here, but I held my tongue. Maybe he had some information for me, and then I could also make a little fortune off Ransom and his friend.

“Hey, Reese. How are you today?”

“Ask me in about five minutes after you tell me why you are here,” I laughed nervously.