“It’s good,” Ransom and I replied in unison.

It was a good thing. Meg was a nut, but she was a damn good woman.

“Well, I guess that’s good then, though I don’t really know how you think I am Meg when you don’t even know me.” Reese looked at me. “You don’t even really know me,” she insisted.

“You don’t really know her, but she’s here?” Ransom asked. “Damn, you Devil’s Knights kids move fucking quick. I was with Luna for years before she gave me the time of day.” Ransom smirked. “Though she was giving me her time at night.”

“Oh,” Reese laughed. “She was just a hookup?”

“No,” I bellowed. I did not want to hear one more word from Ransom. Not about how he had been hooking up Luna. Luna was like a sister to me, and as far as I was concerned, she was a nun who never had sex and never would. “I don’t want to hear another word about Luna and Ransom hooking up.”

“Were you hooking up with Luna, too, and this guy was the better guy?” Reese asked.

Ransom doubled over laughing. “Oh god,” he wheezed. “Luna is going to piss her pants when I tell her about this.”

I glared down at Reese. “Luna is my cousin.”

“Oh,” Reese drawled, and her cheeks flushed red. “Now I get it.”

“This is great. I wish I had called Bear to come with me. He’d be laughing his ass off, too.” Ransom sighed and wiped a finger under his eye. “Fucking hilarious.”

“Shouldn't you be in Brain’s room trying to figure out why he has a bullet between his eyes?” I growled. If he was here to work, then he needed to get his ass out of my room.

Ransom shrugged. “I was in there. We’re waiting on the ME. I figured I would see if I could find your dumbass.”

“Well, you found me, so now you can get back to doing your job.” I motioned to the door.

“Do you know what happened?” Reese asked. “Like, can you tell that someone killed him, or did he kill himself?”

“Uh, most people don’t shoot themselves between the eyes when they off themselves, babe. Kind of impossible.” Ransom nodded to the door. “Someone killed him.”

“Oh my god,” Reese gasped.

Ransom pointed to Reese. “Did she know the dude or something?”

I shook my head. I might as well just get the whole story out. Reese had been saying it in pieces that weren’t easily put together. “Reese came to the clubhouse two nights ago for a party with her friend, Kerry. Kerry hooked up with Brain and left Reese asleep outside.”

“That’s kind of shitty,” Ransom interrupted.

“I said the same thing.”

“That’s not the issue,” Reese called.

She was right. “So, I happened to be around and kept an eye on Reese while she slept. I took her home, and now her friend hasn’t been to work since the party.”

“And Brain is dead,” Reese added.

“Saw that, babe,” Ransom chuckled.

“But Kerry did not kill, Brain. She wouldn’t do anything like that.” Reese glanced at me. “Zig told me I shouldn’t say that, but I needed to let you know.”

“Uh, Zig was probably right, babe.”

I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair. “But you don’t have to investigate that because I saw Brain yesterday. Kerry went missing before he wound up dead.”

“You sure about that?” Ransom asked.

I wasn’t sure about any of this shit. “Seems logical.”